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"That's disgusting." Said Riley.
"Why the hell would Maya let him?" Said Lucas. They were sitting in the Matthews apartment after Cory had come to a conclusion to tell her friends because they were bugging him so much about what Shawn was telling him.
"Apparently they're just that close."
"So. I'm close to Maya, I've known her for far longer, I'm the same age and sex, and not related to her but I don't strip her, nor would I want to or would she want me to." Said Riley.
"But we know Maya well enough to know that if she minded, she would fight back." Said Farkle.
"But Shawn said somethings up between them."
"Like what?" Asked Lucas.
"Like Maya is his doll."
"What do you mean by that."
"Maya does what he says and looks at him when she speaks. Stuff like that. As well as grabbing his arm really hard when he walked in last night. Crying in the water. Just plain acting strange."
"Do you think that this has to do with the pregnancy test?" Asked Lucas.
"Thats sick." Said Riley.
"But possible." Said Topanga.
"I told Shawn to update me. See if this kind of suspicious behavior continues."
Lucas put his head in his hands.
"You okay?"
"It's so much easier when I know that I can just crawl through her window and hold her."
Maya shoved the birth control pills to the bottom of her bag. She had to shoplift it and felt terrible but she didn't trust the condoms. She rode away from the old beaten down store, casually. There were no cameras or anything. She didn't even know how it was still open.
She rode back to the beach. It was dark but she went to the fire with her friends. Shawn was there too, playing guitar.
"Hey, Maya." Said Katie. "You mind grabbing some wood?" Maya nodded and grabbed some wood, placing them in the fire carefully and then sitting down. For a while, Many if the other kids spoke and they eventually ended up singing. When Shawn left to take some pictures at night for work. At 3AM, the fire went out and they fell asleep on the beach. Maya woke up to be rained on. She sat up and looked around at the others waking up.
"Alex." She said, hitting him.
"Good morning to you too." Everyone got up and left but Maya only sat under a tree. The rain began to fall hard.
"What are you doing here?" She looked up to see Sam.
"I like the rain." He put out his hand and she accepted his help up. He opened up his umbrella and they walked home under it.
"The nice thing about having ten siblings, is there's always someone around." He said.
"You don't like to be alone?"
"I do. There's just times where I think I do but really need others around."
A few days later, Shawn left, feeling more secure that Michael and her were okay. He still wondered a whole lot but he had no further evidence of something being wrong.

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