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"Ow." Said Maya, coming up from diving under a wave.
"Salt waters good for it." Said Alex.
"Stab me." It was night and Maya had gotten back from the police station.
"Come on. Let's go back."
"Come on, Alex. One wave."
"Fine." After just one wave, Alex made her come back in. They were both exhausted and ended up laughing the entire way back.
"Four adults and fourteen kids." Said Maya entering the full living room with Alex.
"It's a busy house." Said Kermit. "You missed dinner."
"I'm just surprised you weren't in the water all night."
"I forced her out." He said, as the kids began to go back upstairs to their rooms.
"You think you can eat?" Maya shook her head. "Hard day?" She shrugged her shoulders.
"We wanted to come by and make sure you were okay." Said Riley.
"Thanks and I am." Riley's eyes began to fill with tears.
"I'm so sorry, Maya. You never deserved any of that." Maya hugged her, hard. She hugged her back.
Maya and Lucas sat together on the beach after everyone else had gone back to their hotel. The wind had piked up and Maya began to shiver. Lucas didn't have a jacket to warm her up so Lucas wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back.
"Where's Alex?"
"His parents are back home."
"Is there something going in between you two."
"We're really good friends. He's like a younger version of Sam, my older brother. They're both always there."
"Just friends?"
"Ya. Why do you care so much?"
"No reason."
Maya looked up at him. There eyes locked in place for a moment. They couldn't tell who leaned in but their lips just connected. It was soft and sweet. Once they separated, They both looked away.
"Speaking of Sam."
"Penny!" Lucas turned around to see Sam walking up to them. "I saw that kiss."
"Penny?" Asked Lucas.
"Cause of Penelope. He doesn't call me that often."
"What do you think you're doing with my sister?"
"How did he react when he found out about Michael?" Asked Lucas.
"What about him? He's away for the week, right?"
"Not really. Remember the pregnancy test?" Said Maya.
"I swear to god, Maya. If he touched you-"
"I don't want to know what you'd do. He's in jail. They'll be a trial, sometime."
"So he did?" Lucas out his arms around Maya.
"Ya." Lucas walked her home in silence.

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