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"Your not packed?" Asked Shawn after May opened her door. She looked confused. "Come on, we leave tomorrow morning at eight. That means we've got to be there by six and it's already 2Pm. He said, stepping in.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"You can stay if you want. I was just thinking you would like to come back down here during summer vacation."
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh ya." He said, nonchalantly. "Your dad said you can live with me. Oh, and I also moved into the apartment above the Matthews. You can stay here if you want."
"Are you joking?"
"Nope. But don't tell the Matthews. They don't know yet. You look a little frozen." He laughed.
"Ya. Just a little."
"Well, unfreeze and pack."
"Thank You, Thank You, Thank you."
"Stop saying that." He laughed. "And this is for my personal needs too. Too late for me to have a kid so at least I get to take care of one." He opened the door. "Welcome home." Maya stepped in. It was smaller then Riley's but she still loved it. She had a small room with her knitted blanket and things on it. Ot was bigger then her last room, though. Outside her window was a fire escape, leading right down to Riley's. There was a knock.
"Who is it?" Called out Shawn.
"This is the Matthews. We live downstairs and we wanted to welcome you."
"Wanna open it?" He asked to Maya. She nodded and walked to the door.
"Maya?" Asked Cory. Riley wrapped her in a huge hug.
"Welcome to the Hart and Hunter residence." Said Shawn.
"This is the best day ever!" Said Riley. "How are we going to tell Lucas." Maya shrugged her shoulders. "I'll come up with something."
"Welcome home, hun." Said Topanga, hugging her.
"Nice to have you back." Said Cory, smiling.
"Let me see your room!" Said Riley. Maya laughed and followed Riley.
"Shaaawnnny!" Said Cory.
"Cory!" He said.
"You're really living here."
"Thanks for taking Maya."
"I've heard enough 'thanks.' She wont stop saying it."

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