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She climbed in through the window and onto her bed.
"Nice to see you're home." Said Kermit, stepping in and sitting down on her bed in the room only lit by the dark blue stormy sky outside. "You know, you can take the front door."
"You're not what I expected. The you that expected would have kicked me out if this house by now."
"Well, that's not the me that I am. I know I missed a lot of your life but I know when somethings wrong with my baby girl."
"Don't call me that."
"Sorry. Anyways, I know that somethings bugging you and so does your mom."
"Lauren." She corrected him.
"Fine. So what is it."
"Nothings bugging me. I'm just. I don't know. Out of place, I guess." She wasn't entirely lying. That had a lot to do with it.
"You have Alex. And now surfing. And the other day I saw him at the stoor and he said your learning fast." Maya was learning fast but sometimes she got frustrated, though Alex said that at her pace, there was no reason to. "You'll be fine." He rubbed her back and left. During February vacation, Maya mostly surfed and slept over Alex's, but only as friends. She went home very little during the break but learned a lot from the late hours at night when Alex would be watching TV and when Maya wasn't drawing, she was reading his textbooks. Who thought that Maya would voluntarily read a textbook? But it kept her mind busy, so she did. Eventually, it ended and March began.
Maya stopped returning home at a decent time. One night, Sam, one of her older brothers went out to find her. They hadn't ever spoken one word to each other but since his room was right across the hallway, he could tell when she came and went. He found her on her bike, stopping at a drug store. He pulled in and walked in to see her near the pregnancy tests. She saw him and looked up.
"Why are you getting a pregnancy test?" She looked back down.
"Uh-uh. You're too young to do that kind of stuff." He grabbed her arm.
"Sam, just because I'm too young, doesn't mean that I still need to find out." She took one and bought it as he stood behind her. He put her bike on the back of his car and made her ride an awkward ride home with him.
When they got back, he sat in the hallway, waiting for her to find out.
"I'm not." She said, smiling as she left the bathroom. He stood up and hugged her.
"Don't do that kind of stuff."
"I know." He led her to her room and then went to his parents and told them what had happened.
"She's way too young for that." Said Lauren. Kermit threw down his paper and went to her room.
"Are you f*cking crazy? Do you know the dangers of that?" He was yelling.
"Was it with Alex?" She shook her head.
"You know Alex wouldn't do that."
"Then who was it with?"
"Just some guy."
"Just some random guy? Are you kidding me? No phone for a month, you're grounded for a week and if you ever do that again, it will be worse. I'm only doing it for a week this time because if you don't get some fresh air you're going to be even more flipping depressed." It clicked just then.
"Did someone force you?" Maya stared at the wall as she sat on her bed.
"Maya!" She started shaking her head, quickly, pulling her phone out of her pocket and handing it to him.
"Night." She said, closing the door.

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