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"You got real lucky with the way that the phone fell." Said the officer. Maya was waiting next her father, Aria, and Alex, with Charlotte in her lap.
"we need to get a better lawyer." Said Kermit. "I think I know someone." He said, passing her his phone with Topanga's contact pulled up. Maya smiled and pressed call, placing Charlotte in her seat and standing up.
"Um- hi. I need a lawyer."
"You're moving to New York!" Said Maya, shocked.
"In three months."
"Great, you get my wish."
"Sorry, Maya."
"It's okay. You'll like it there."
"We still have three months."
"Maya!" Maya turned back to the beach to see someone standing on the beach.
"Lucas?" She asked to Alex.
"Looks like him." Maya turned around and started swimming back.
"Oh my god it is you." She ripped off the velcro from around her wrist, quickly and hugged him.
"You were killing me, Maya. I needed to see you."
"So you came to Flordia?"
"Well, we all did. For the trial."
"Where are they?"
"Right here." Maya turned around to see them all as if it were a fairy tale.
"You look like you should be in a lab." Said Farkle.
"Well, why do I need a skeleton when I can just look at you. I mean, I can see all of your bones." Maya rolled her eyes as Riley hugged her.
"Sorry, I'm getting you all wet."
"Soak us." Said Cory. They walked back to the house together, Lucas's arm around Maya, making Riley repetitively say 'aww.' When they finally got back, Topanga went over a few things with her and some with Alex. Lucas and Maya went to her room and she began to sketch him.
"You ready for tomorrow?" Asked Lucas.
"I'll never be."
"Yes you will. Come here." Maya placed her sketchbook down and turned to sit next to him. "You shouldn't be ashamed or afraid. You should be proud of getting through it and being that person to put him in jail. Proud of protecting your sisters and getting him back."
"Thanks, Lucas." He leaned in and kissed her as she fell back and he came on top of her. He shot up the moment that he heard the knock. Cory opened the door to find Maya laying on her back with her knees up and Lucas right next to her knees, having just pulled back and looking scared. Maya started laughing as Cory stared, blankly and Topanga pulled him away from the door. Lucas looked down at the laughing girl and couldn't help but kiss her once again.

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