Chapter 1:

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I studied my options carefully trying to pick the right one however two loud and uncooperative children were making that extremely difficult. They were standing in the shopping cart crying and I was getting annoyed looks from other shoppers in the supermarket.

Giving up I faced them.

            “What’s wrong?” I asked my little girl who was three even though they’d already told me.

            “Mummy we’re hungry!” my little boy yelled out, he was five and usually quite cooperative.

            “I know and if you guys are quiet and behave we’ll go get McDonald’s from across the road,” I tried to bargain.

            “But we want food now!” Sophie wailed and I actually covered my ears. This situation was absolutely helpless.

My two children were hungry and so was I, which made for a very cranky family but children did not understand the concept of waiting fifteen minutes for food, making a very annoying and frustrating situation. I looked at Sophie and sighed.

She had tear streaks running down her face and I knew Sophie was only crying because she didn’t get her lollipop.

            “Come here baby,” I requested holding my hands out and she mirrored mine so I plucked her out of the trolley. Her crying finally stopped as I rocked her back and forth. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

            “I’m hungry and I don’t want McDonald’s,” she informed me in her cute little voice that sounded so innocent.

            “Well what do you want?” I asked her.

            “I want noodles,” she declared and I nodded.

            “If you stop crying I’ll make you some noodles but if you cry and make a lot of loud noise you have to eat McDonald’s with Connor,” I told her and she nodded. “Shake on it,” I demanded in a playful voice holding out my hand and giggling she shook it. I put her in the trolley to see Connor had required a lollipop.

            “Connor Lucas Evans, where on earth did you get a lollipop?” I asked my five year old.

            “A man gave it to me,” he shrugged and I looked around a little worried. A random man gave my son a lollipop without asking me first; I had to admit that was a little strange. “Can you open it for me?”

            “Not until you’ve had lunch,” I told him sternly. “Now which ice creams do you kids want?” I asked getting back to my hard options.

            “Can we get tub ice cream and then buy things to decorate them with? Like sprinkles and chocolate ice magic!” Connor beamed and I sighed. The kids loved getting their hands dirty but so did I.

            “Fine,” I grabbed the vanilla ice cream tub and plonked it in the trolley.

            “Mum can I get out?” Connor asked and I nodded absently lifting him out of the trolley and placing him on the floor but before I let him go he placed a kiss on my cheek.

            “Awe what’s that for?” I asked surprised.

            “No reason,” my son said mysteriously and I eyed him. I’d find out about it eventually. “Mum can I go get the ice cream decorations?”

I considered for a second knowing he’d come back with way more things than we’d actually need before giving him permission to go get the stuff.

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