Chapter 7:

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Louis and I are now up to date number three and in the short time we’d known each other (a week and a half) we’d spoken pretty much everyday whether it was him surprising me at my house or me calling him whilst I was bored at work. Sophie absolutely loved Louis, which was a bonus and I don’t think Connor was far behind, though I always thought it might’ve been harder for Connor because Connor still remembers the idea of having a dad.

I wasn’t too sure on what Connor remembered. I don’t know if he remembered his dad or if he just remembered the idea of him along with the photos I’ve shown him. It was hard to tell but I was certain by the time he was ten he wouldn’t remember much apart from the stories and photos I showed him.

Date three, Louis told me, would be casual and just us two though he told me to wear warm clothes.

So I wore jeans, a baggy knit jumper with a blue coat and my black high top converse courtesy of my brother’s latest birthday present for me. I pulled my hair in a high ponytail making my eyes pop and my face more defined and didn’t bother with make up since it was casual.

Louis knocked on the door and I clapped Connor and Sophie decided to open the door so that when I walked downstairs Sophie was hugging Louis’s leg whilst Connor was hugging his torso.

            “Oh God, you’ve turned my kids into monkeys!” I laughed.

            “What kids? I’m only wearing the latest fashion,” Louis joked and I giggled.

            “Louis my birthday is in one more week!” Connor told Louis and Louis gasped excitedly.


            “Yes, it is how old are you turning Connor?” I asked him.

            “Five!” he said holding up five fingers.

            “Wait you said he was five,” Louis said confused.

            “Yeah because when their birthdays get near I start saying they are the age they are turning so I don’t muddle up when they actually are that age,” I explained.

            “You’re weird,” was all Louis said. “But happy Valentine’s Day!”

            “Happy Valentine’s Day,” I smiled back. “Connor, Sophie how ‘bout you both get off Louis now and let him step into the house and then you guys can tackle him?” I asked them with a suggestive tone.

            “Geez thanks,” Louis snorted as the kids obliged, letting him step into the house and close the door only for the kids to retackle him. “Where’s Amelia?” he asked once the kids had gotten bored.

            “She is outside watering the plants,” I told him.

            “Oh,” he said.

            “Do you want anything to eat or drink before we leave. Amelia and I made pastries today.”

            “What kind of pastries?” Louis asked.

            “Spanakopita,” I replied. “It’s greek. Amelia and I decided to let our greek heritage shine through today.”

            “You’re greek?”

            “From my mum’s side that’s why we don’t have a greek last name or greek first names. We were christened catholic,” I explained to him. “But this year is greek year!”

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