Chapter 11:

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            “Come on Amelia!” I yelled up the stairs pacing like a hawk in the hallway.

            “I’m coming!” she yelled back.

            “Come quicker!” I shouted.

            “Mum!” Sophie wailed. “Connor took my Barbie!”

            “Connor,” I scowled. “Give Sophie back her doll please.”

            “But she took my iron man!” he complained.

            “Yeah because I wanted him to marry Belle!”

            “No! Iron Man belongs with Pepper Potts!” Connor argued.

            “Must you two always fight?” I sighed to myself. “Sophie give Connor back Iron Man and Connor give Sophie back Belle.” I stared them down sternly until they grudgingly gave each other back their respective dolls.

            “But who’s Belle supposed to marry now?” Sophie frowned brushing her doll’s hair.

            “What happened to the prince charming doll you had?”

            “Connor broke his arm,” Sophie said with a sigh.

            “You can have Batman?” Connor suggested and that seemed to please Sophie so I just went with it. Amelia finally came down stairs and I threw my hands up in the air shouting ‘hallelujah!’ to which Amelia poked her tongue at me.

            “Okay you kids know the rules if you bring toys and lose them you aren’t getting new ones.”

            “You’re such a tough mother,” Amelia said.

            “I’m sorry did you want to spend hundreds of dollars to re-buy toys that they lose?”


            “Then shut your pie hole and lets get moving. Louis’s texted like five times. We were supposed to be there fifteen minutes ago.”

            “What did you tell him?”

            “That my sister thinks she’s getting ready to meet the Queen. Cute outfit by the way,” I complimented taking in her green jeans with white leg warmers, black boots and white top and parka. “Very festive.”

            “Well it is a St Patrick’s party,” Amelia said shrugging. “I see you dressed to the occasion too.” And I had. I was wearing a green skirt with a white top tucked in and black boots.

Amelia and I walked in to the hall each having a hold on one of the kids’ hands. The hall was a sea of green and white; they had green and white balloons, streamers, posters. But mostly it was just a get together. There was an open bar with tables spotting the place, no real place to dance or anything but tables could be moved to make room later.

I scanned the masses of green and white until I felt arms sneak around my waist from behind. I gasped at first until I heard the familiar voice.

            “I thought you’d never make it,” he said in my ear.

            “Yeah well blame Amelia’s unorganised butt,” I told him as he kissed my cheek.

            “Mum I found Perrie!” Sophie squealed letting go of my hand and I watched as she ran off. Perrie immediately scooped her up and not two seconds later Connor squirmed out of Amelia’s grip to go say hi to Harry and Amelia followed closely behind.

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