Chapter 2:

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            “Connor! It’s time for school!” I called out before looking exasperatedly at Sophie, who was taking out toys getting ready to be a princess. “Sophie you can play dress ups later. Please put the toys away. Connor!”

Connor finally came downstairs and I sighed in relief muttering, ‘finally’. I ushered Sophie and Connor into the car and locked up the house.

Once Sophie and I got back home Sophie talked me into playing dress ups with her, which was quite fun. Sophie was the princess and I was the queen we were running from the imaginary dragon that in Sophie’s world occupied our house.

Half way through Amelia joined and opted to be the evil witch because according to Sophie witches had red hair. Sophie finally got bored and wanted to watch a movie so Amelia and I moved into the kitchen.

            “So has Mr Hottie called yet?” she asked with a smirking face. I blushed as I grabbed two mugs for coffees. Louis hadn’t called yet but I was secretly hoping he would.

            “No he hasn’t, cupid,” I told her more sourly then I planned. “Told you the kids were probably a deal breaker!”

            “You should be happy though. You’re the one who didn’t want a date,” Amelia reminded me and I huffed. Just because I didn’t want a date didn’t mean I wasn’t interested. His smug smirk had been stuck in my head ever since that trip to the groceries and the fact that he gave my kid a lollipop helped his case a little. I bit my lip remembering his award-winning smile and Amelia must’ve noticed because she exclaimed, “you wanted him to call!”

I blushed profusely turning away from Amelia but of course her, being my annoying baby sister, followed me.

            “You like him!” she accused with happy eyes.

            “I don’t know,” I muttered.

            “Oh stop being silly,” she assured me. “I can tell you like him and it’s about time to! It’s been too long since you last got laid.”

            “Amelia!” I scolded and she just rolled her eyes. After that we sort of both went quiet.

I didn’t even know what I would’ve said to Louis if he did call. I was only twenty-one but it had been along time since I’d been on a date. Nothing in my life was exactly normal. Besides Louis has a huge career he wouldn’t want me and my kids giving him problems. In a relationship Louis was probably just looking for fun and right now I needed serious. My kids couldn’t get the wrong idea and I don’t want their childhood to be a serious of different men weaving in and out.

I loved my kids so much and it wouldn’t be fair to them if I gave them the idea of uncertainty. I wanted them to know that, bam, mum is going to be home with, let’s call him Bob for an example, Bob and dinner will be on the table by seven. Even if that meant that there would never be a Bob I was okay with that … I think.


            “Hello, how can I help you today?” I asked a lady as she walked into the shop with a baby in tow. She was wearing a thick bright red coat and swaddled the baby in thick blankets as it was freezing ice outside.

            “Hi, my friend was here the other day. Tall, brown hair, blue eyes and cut a long story short he said that you had some book he wanted by Stephen King and he helped me out with an emergency the other day so I sort of figured I owe him and anyways I want to buy him the book because apparently I stopped him from going on some McDonald’s date with a woman he met at the supermarket,” my ears perked up at this. It couldn’t have been Louis because first it wasn’t a date and second that would just be weird. “So it’s called Doctor Sleep.” I snapped back to reality.

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