Chapter 23:

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“Hope! I don’t know what to do! She won’t stop crying!” Louis said frantically over the phone and I tried so hard to not laugh. “My apartment has baby stuff everywhere and I’ve only slept two hours because she wouldn’t stay asleep!” I burst out laughing. “Stop laughing this isn’t funny! Eww! I think I have to change her nappy! Again!”

            “Okay, I’m sorry! I’ll be over in ten minutes,” I said getting out of bed and shoving my hands through my coat.

            “You are a life saver! I’ll leave the door unlocked so you don’t have to knock.”

            “I know, see you in ten,” I told him hanging up. I scribbled a note for Amelia in case I wasn’t home in the morning. I pulled on my black ugg boots grabbed my phone and car keys and crept down stairs.

I walked straight in to the apartment and heard Alexa’s cries. I sighed as I remembered all the all nighters I had to do with my own kids.

            “Louis,” I called out as I made my way to Alexa’s temporary guest bedroom. Of course it wasn’t like your typical guest bedroom. It was about double the size of my room with a king sized bed in the middle of the far wall with a window wall, which heavy, burgundy curtains were covering. A cot was set up near the bed and Louis was pacing with Alexa trying to soothe her.

            “Oh thank God you are here!” Louis exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, took my coat off since it was warm in the apartment and took Alexa off Louis. I held her head close to my heart because the rhythm of the heart soothes them and rocked her slightly side to side. Eventually she calmed down so not wanting to risk waking her up again I carefully sat on the bed leaning my back against the pillows and resting my feet out in front of me.

            “How’d you do that?” Louis whispered shocked.

            “I guess I have the mother touch,” I whispered back. “Come on.” I gestured to the bed next to me. He came and sat beside me and I rested my head on his comfortable shoulder as my eyes closed and he put his arm around my shoulders, throwing a blanket over our legs with his other arm.

            “Thank you.” He kissed my forehead and I smiled.

            “It’s okay,” I whispered. I looked at Alexa, she was so tiny all wrapped up in a cotton white blanket. Her black hair that she got from her daddy was about an inch long and sat messily above her head almost falling into her closed eyes, which when were open mirrored her mummy’s. I also noticed she had Perrie’s lips but Zayn’s skin tone. She was going to be gorgeous when she grew up.

My eyes drifted to a close and eventually I was asleep wishing every night I could fall asleep with Louis next to me.

In the morning I woke up by my self, curled up on a huge bed under the covers. I sat up confused. I was pretty sure I fell asleep with a baby in my arms with Louis next to me and a blanket on top of my legs. I was confused as to how I ended up under the covers with no baby and no Louis. I got up and saw in the mirror that my hair was a curly mess of tangled brown. I huffed and thanked my lucky stars that Louis’s guest room had a bathroom connecting. I pulled on my ugg boots before going to the bathroom to sort out the mess on my head.

I was faced with another dilemma when I became cold and didn’t want to wear my coat because it was slightly uncomfortable for the morning. I walked into the living room with a blanket wrapped around me. I saw Louis feeding Alexa a bottle and talking to her softly.

            “Your mummy and daddy can’t wait to see you. They told me they bought you all kinds of things, aren’t you lucky?” he asked her quietly and I smiled leaning against the wall just watching him but a floorboard creaked and Louis turned around.

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