Chapter 4:

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The next few days I woke up with happy smiles, I hardly snapped at the kids and I would sing happy songs whilst doing chores. ‘Fearless’ by Taylor Swift was flowing through the house whilst Sophie and I sung along screaming the lyrics whilst we were painting black birds on her walls.

The doorbell rung and I happily plonked down my paintbrush and skipped down to the front door. Pulling the front door open I’m met with a very worried face.

            “What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly.

            “Is that Taylor Swift?” Louis asked like his life depended on it, I rolled my eyes.

            “Are you gonna hate everything I like?” I asked him as I led him to the kitchen. “SOPHIE COME DOWN STAIRS!” I called for her.

            “Well your loud,” Louis stated. “And that depends on whether the stuff you like is good or crap.”

I snorted, “oh thanks!” Sophie came into the kitchen with black hands. “What did you do Sophie?” I sighed. “I leave you for two minutes and you think you’re a finger painter!”

            “Sorry mummy,” she replied innocently and I smiled. “Hi,” she said cutely waving her black hand at Louis and he waved back.

            “That’s alright come on, lets wash your hands,” I said picking her up from around the stomach as she giggled. “I’ll only be a minute or five,” I told Louis as I whisked Sophie into the laundry room.

Once most of the black was off her hands I let her go play in the living room whilst Louis and I talked in the kitchen.

            “Want a cookie?” I asked. “Sophie and I made them this morning.”

            “There isn’t black paint in them is there?” he asked sceptically and I rolled my eyes.

            “No … just maybe some Taylor Swift love!” I joked. “Sophie and I love her. I tried getting tickets for her concert when she comes in May but that didn’t happen,” I sighed. Sophie would’ve loved it.

            “Why not?”

            “I’m not exactly crapping money,” I told him. “Anyways so what do I owe this wonderful visit?”

            “How about another date Friday night?” he asked hopefully and my heart picked up.

            “I’d love that,” I smiled blushing.

            “Great I’ll pick you up at eight. Movie and a dinner. Just us two,” he informed me and I smiled. The classic date.

            “Brilliant,” I said.

            “So why exactly was your daughter covered in black paint?” Louis finally asked and I was wondering how long it’d take him to ask. Hell I was wondering how long it would take him to label me an official psycho.

            “We were painting birds in her room,” I sighed. “She has a fascination with them and I get why.”

            “You do?”

            “Yeah. Imagine what it would be like to be a bird. Free of all obligations and responsibilities. You could go anywhere without one cent; just your will and effort and you can fly wherever you want. No one or nothing to hold you back. Completely free.”

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