Chapter 9:

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            “Get out!” I yelled at him. “I don’t want you in my house any longer than necessary!”

            “Hope,” he tried to reason but this time Amelia shot him down.

            “Just go,” she cried out exasperatedly. “This is Hope’s house and you aren’t welcome.”

            “You two have always had it against me,” he mused.

            “And for good bloody reason,” Amelia said.

            “You were always jealous of my success,” he stated with a slight smirk that angered me.

            “No, not your success the way you flaunt it in our faces. Oh look at me I’m smart and I earn $350,000 a year because I’m the CEO chairman for Apple! Oh and look at you in a two bedroom house with two kids at twenty one and you own a bookstore. How cute,” I mocked. “And then you have the nerve to say that Connor is your favourite nephew! Do you even know when Connor’s birthday is or did mum leave you a voicemail?” I asked infuriated.

            “Connor’s birthday is today,” he said frowning and Amelia let out a ‘ha!’ and I actually clapped my hand to my mouth.

            “Wow,” I stated. “Really the cake place had amazing icing but I think you were the icing on top of the day!”

            “Connor’s actual birthday is on February 21!” Amelia shouted at him.

            “So it’s February 23! What’s the difference?” he shouted.

            “Urgh!” I said frustrated. “Just get out before Louis comes back with the kids!”

            “I see you’ve moved on from Jake,” Matt smirked and I stiffened.

            “Matt, don’t,” Amelia warned. “Just leave.”

            “Forgotten about your husband already?” Matt taunted and I became lifeless. It wasn’t forgetting it was moving on. I wasn’t going to get an idiot like Matt try to tell me otherwise.

            “Just go!” I bursted. “You are infuriating!”

            “Truth hurt little sis?” he asked with a cocky smile that made me wish I could just rip it off his smug face.

            “I don’t think you’ve ever spoken the truth in your entire life,” I spat back. “Just go.”

            “I get it,” Matt smirked. “You’ll probably just leech money off your new boyfriend anyways.”

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously? He isn’t even my boyfriend,” I retorted.

            “Yet,” Amelia added smugly and my lips turned a little at that thought before shaking my head to get back on topic.

            “Matt you barely see us two weeks a year so don’t tell me about what I’m doing or how I’m feeling because truth is you know jack shit!” I yelled at him.

            “Well I’ve got a plane to catch so maybe it’s best I do go,” he said and I sighed in relief.

            “Don’t you always have a plane to catch?” Amelia said bitterly.

            “What’s that supposed to mean?” Matt asked.

            “Just like Hope says never got time for your little, old family but I guess that’s okay when you live in France earning almost seven grand a week,” Amelia told him.

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