Chapter 13:

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I was rushing about the house trying to get everything perfect but the living room still had loose puzzle pieces, doll accessories, Lego pieces and other things scattered around. My shoulders sunk thinking about all the cleaning I had to do.

            “Kids!” I called and a few seconds later they both came bounding in from the backyard. “Okay I need the living room floor clean. I need you to pick up all your little toys and pack them away. Once you finish you guys can have ice cream.” Bribery is mean but at least it works.

            “Why do we need to clean up for?” Connor asked as he started to pick up his Lego pieces.

            “Because my yiayia is coming over. Your great yiayia,” I told them. “And tonight we are having a big party because…”

            “It’s your birthday!” Sophie shouted.

            “Yes it is.” I was now twenty-two and I felt old. “So get cleaning!” I said clapping my hands. “I had this place all cleaned up this morning,” I muttered.

The doorbell rang and I answered it seeing an unknown man. He had a charming smile, with dark brown hair and dark, deep eyes.

            “You’re not Amelia,” the guys said confused, his eyebrows drawing together.

            “And you are?”

            “Jason,” he answered.

            “Amelia!” I called up the stairs. “There’s a Jason here to take you out!”

            “Coming!” she hailed and not three seconds after Jason and I awkwardly stared at each other did Amelia come sprinting down the stairs, her feet fabricating a rhythm. I watched as she came down holding her pink heels above her head. Her red hair was dead straight and looked deadly, her bangs causing her green eyes to pop out. She was wearing a fun black and white dress, her legs looked endless.

            “Going out?” I asked raising my eyebrows.

            “I’ll be back at six,” she said leaning in to kiss me cheek.

            “He’s hot,” I whispered into her ear.

            “Mummy!” Sophie wailed.

            “You have kids?” Jason asked but he was pointing the question at Amelia.

            “No they’re mine,” I told him putting my hand up. “And you missy make sure you are back at six because I’m going to kill you. You can’t miss your own birthday celebration.”

            “Yes boss,” she saluted.

            “Mum!” Sophie wailed again.

            “Anyway duties call. Nice to meet you Jason we should get to know each other sometime.” I whisked away into the living room to see the box of toys on its side with the toys spilling out of it like sand being tipped out of a bucket. I exhaled before setting out on helping to clean up seeing as the kids were in capable on doing it on their own.

Amelia was back by six and the house was crowded with grown ups, some even spilled into the backyard.

            “Hope, your sister is making fun of me again,” yiayia told me as I walked passed. Yiayia was exceptionally good at English for an old greek lady. She had a thick greek accent but she could speak full sentences of English without incorporating greek words. I knew that a lot of greek oldies could speak English but not unbroken.

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