Chapter 10:

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            “Louis,” I said in the equally worrying voice, cupping his face to look him in the eye. “We are … friends with benefits,” I said seriously before bursting out laughing at the horrified look on Louis’s face. His mouth was hanging open with one side pulled up more than the other side and his eyes were as wide as saucers. “What do you think we are?” I asked him seriously.

            “Well I was thinking more along the lines of ‘you’re my girlfriend’,” Louis said, “but if you’re okay with friends with benefits I’m cool with that, in fact it’s better.”

My eyes widened when I realised he was being serious. The thought chasing me in my mind ‘did he just use me?’ and then he cracked a smile.

            “You asshole,” I told him whacking his arm.

            “But you did it to me first!” he protested.

            “What are we twelve?” I asked and he rolled his eyes. “Oh well you’re my boyfriend with the mind of a twelve year old. I’ve got two kids I guess I could handle another,” I shrugged as I looped my arms around his neck.

            “Does that mean we’re official?” Louis asked and I smiled sweetly.           

            “Slow are we today?” I teased and he stuck his tongue out at me. “Yes, we are official.”

            “You’re mine?” he asked cutely.

            “I’m yours,” I answered putting my lips over his. I savoured our first official kiss. I breathed in ever moment of it letting it sink in to my brain before it left as fast as it had come like the feeling was falling through quicksand.

My phone buzzed causing Louis to groan and I just giggled. I looked at the screen and it was Amelia because I was supposed to be at the shop five minutes ago. I groaned.

            “I need to go,” I said sadly.

            “No,” Louis said pulling me in for another kiss.

            “But,” I tried to protest as he kissed my lips. I giggled into the sweet kiss. “Louis!” I complained through the kiss still giggling.

            “I’ll drive you back,” he demanded but I shook my head.

            “But what about my car?”

            “I’ll drive it to your house later,” he waved it off. “Fine,” I agreed.

I walked into the bookstore with Louis by my side, we were holding hands.

            “Amelia!” I sung out. “I have news for you!”

            “Ohh,” she said dragging it out. “What may that be?”

            “Louis hated your tiropitas,” I said. “Nah,” I said waving it off at Amelia’s unamused face. “We are official!” I said casually holding up our hands.

            “You,” Amelia stammered as Louis hugged my from behind. “You, you’re in a relationship! My little sister is growing up!”

            “Thanks for the free food by the way,” Louis thanked Amelia but she just waved it off.

            “Who cares about that! You guys are a couple! Like an actual couple!” she squealed.

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