Chapter 17:

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The phone fell from my hands and I barely heard it clang to the floor. My foot slammed on the brake just in time to miss the car that was on the wrong side of the road coming right at me. The other car, a sleek electric blue Honda, swerved back onto the right side of the road and my heat was pounding, vibrating my whole body. My eyes were still wide with shock and I could barely see in front of me.

            “Hope!” I heard vaguely. I shook my head and realised that the person was still on the phone. I pulled over on the side of the road and with shaking hands went to pick up the phone.

            “H-Hello?” I asked shakily. I didn’t even know who was on the phone.

            “Hope!” Amelia’s voice drifted to my ears. “What the hell happened?”

I quickly explained and asked her why she was calling.

            “Son of a-“


            “Sorry. We decided to take a walk and we ran into one of Connor’s friends, Danny, and he wants to go over.”

            “I guess that’s alright. Just make sure to pick him up and exchange numbers with his mum, Anna.”

            “Will do. Be careful sis and tell Louis he’s an idiot from me.”

            “Yes to the first one, no to the second. Look after my kids! Bye!”

I carefully merged back into the traffic keeping my eyes wide open like saucers. When I arrived at the O2 arena I parked my red Toyota in the large car park provided. Leaving the car I slung my little black bag on my shoulder and headed towards the necessary gate where Louis would be. Because of the almost car accident I was already ten minutes late.

Once out of the car park I was overwhelmed by the amount of Taylor Swift fans already crowding the area outside the arena. Pushing through the last crowd before the gates I craned my neck trying to find him. I grinned as I spotted him about thirty meters away from me, wearing glasses and a hoodie, probably trying to stay unnoticed. I walked towards him and he spotted me, a huge, relief filled smile crossing his face. My grin stretched more as I started walking faster towards him and he towards me. I felt like I couldn’t get there quick enough and soon enough we’d both broken out in a jog before full out sprinting the last ten meters. Our eyes were locked on each other the whole time.

We slammed together my hands snaking around his neck and his arms holding me close by my waist. Our lips crashed together in need of each other. I needed to be closer to him.

            “No more lying?” I asked breathlessly leaning back and cupping his face, our foreheads resting on each other.

            “No more lying,” he confirmed. “I missed you so much,” he said kissing me again. “I love you,” he kissed me again, “Don’t ever leave again,” he kissed me, “I love you.”

            “I love you too.”

We eventually made our way inside the building, hand in hand and smiling like we’d found out we’d one a billion dollars. I was walking towards the doors that took us through to the seats but Louis pulled me a different direction.

            “Where we going?”

            “I … upgraded our tickets,” he said vaguely.

            “But we already had private pit tickets,” I said confused.

            “Believe me there’s an upgrade.”

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