Chapter 8:

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            “Amelia! What happened?” I cried as I spotted her in the hospital. She looked frantic her red hair was constantly being pushed back, something I knew Amelia did when she was nervous or anxious or scared.

            “I don’t know! I went to the bathroom and when I came back Connor was on the floor!” she cried back clutching Sophie’s hand.

            “Mummy he fell off the bed and broke his hand!” Sophie told me. “Like you always told us. I’m sorry mummy.”

            “It’s not your fault baby,” I told her scooping her up and kissing her forehead. “Where is he?”

            “The doctor is putting a cast on his hand – hi Louis,” Amelia said and I turned around to see Louis walking down the bleak corridor. “He’s in that room over there.”

            “Alright I’m going in,” I said putting Sophie down. “Look after her will you?”

            “Yeah of course. Hope I’m so sorry,” Amelia apologised but I just shook my head.

            “It isn’t your fault. Things happen,” was all I said before walking into the room Connor was in.

Connor was lying on the bed sucking a lollipop as the doctor was fitting on a blue cast, “Hi mister!” I said cheerily. “What happened?” the doctor looked at me confused. “I’m his mum,” I informed him and he nodded as I sat down besides Connor.

            “Mummy I’m sorry! Sophie and I were jumping on the bed even though we aren’t supposed to!” Connor said hysterically and I could tell he was nervous.

            “Connor it’s fine, but now you know that when I tell you not to jump on the bed it’s because I don’t want anything like this happening. How long does he need the cast for?” I asked the doctor.

            “Six weeks,” the doctor replied.

            “Mum can everyone sign it?” Connor asked and I smiled. “We’ll see.”

            “Are you sure your feeling okay Connor?” I asked worried brushing his hair back.

            “Yeah it hurt a lot but the doctors gave me a lollipop and now it feels okay,” Connor told me.

            “Alright sweetie.”

            “Where’s Louis?” he asked and I smiled.

            “He’s outside with Aunt Amelia,” I told him.

            “But what about your date?”

            “Don’t worry about that. We can go another time,” I assured Connor. “Let’s worry about you getting out of here,” I turned to the doctor. “When can we leave?”

            “As soon as the cast is on, you can check him out. I advise that he stay out of school for at least a week just to let it calm down without too much activity. I know it’s hard but try to get him to keep his arm as still as possible.”

I nodded. “Thank you Doctor,” I smiled. “And you no more jumping on the bed!” I told Connor playfully.

            “Sorry mummy,” he grinned and I smiled. “Can I get ice cream?”

            “How about we all go get ice cream as soon as we can leave?” I told him.

            “With Louis too?” he asked hopefully and I nodded.

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