Chapter 21:

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I had Sophie sitting in the trolley in the correct spot with Connor standing in the trolley. It had been a week since Perrie and Zayn tied the knot and from what Louis had told me their time in the Bahamas was going great. The other day Harry and Niall forced me to get a Twitter and announced that I was going on tour with them. Obviously I got hate but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. Their fans were teenagers who didn’t know the difference between a relationship and fantasy.

            “Mummy, can we get chips?” Connor asked holding up a packet. I nodded and he dropped them in the trolley.

            “Okay kiddos. I think we are done for the day,” I said as I pushed the trolley towards the checkouts. I briefly scanned across the magazine section and nothing caught my eye until I saw someone drop back into the stand a magazine that headlined ‘Louis Tomlinson’s Girlfriend Hope Evans: Secrets Revealed’ and under that it read in smaller writing ‘how she had two kids by the time she was twenty one and what happened to their dad’. Shocked with my eyes popping open and my mouth hanging open slightly I picked up the magazine, which also had a photo of Louis and I plastered on the front of it.

I slapped the magazine onto the check out and quickly piled the rest of the things before paying, grabbing my bags and leaving.

I put the shopping away and set the kids up with a movie and colouring books and pencils before heading back into the kitchen to read the dreaded magazine.

Louis Tomlinson and girlfriend Hope Evans seem perfectly happy. They’ve been seen together recently at a Taylor Swift concert and then the next day out and about along with Harry Styles and girlfriend Jade Thirlwall from Little Mix. Evans was even spotted at Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards much talked about wedding!

The happy couple have even been seen out and about with her two children Connor, 5 and Sophie, 4. It was unknown about where the children’s father was until recently when close sources to the family spilled the beans.

Hope Evans fell pregnant with Connor at the young age of 16. When she was halfway through the pregnancy her and the baby’s father, Jake Halkidakis tied the knot and he moved in with her at her parents house as they couldn’t afford a place of their own. They led a hard but happy life. Hope opened her bookstore, Open Books when she turned eighteen and Jake became an accountant through night courses. Sources said “They were very happy…they were always pranking one another.”

The couple had another baby when they were eighteen. They were happier than ever however tragedy struck five months after the baby was born. Due to a horrible car accident on the nineteenth of May 2011, Jake Halkidakis tragically died leaving Hope a single mother of two very young children.

Sources say that ‘Hope was devastated and depressed for a month before she pulled herself back together…she was positively heartbroken’.

Our team at Hello! Magazine couldn’t fail to notice that strangely enough Louis Tomlinson was also involved in a car accident on the nineteenth of May 2011. Was it the same accident? Or is it just an unusual coincidence?

On the same page it had various photos of Louis, the kids and I, they’d even found a photo of Jake, Connor, Sophie and I from Connor’s second birthday party. Sophie was just a newborn. A tear rolled down my face. How on earth did they get these photos? How did they get the story? No one but family and friends knew exactly what happened. And what they said about Louis. That couldn’t be true. I was sure, Jake’s death would’ve made bigger news if someone famous had been involved.

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