Chapter 3:

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            “Mummy, you look pretty!” Sophie exclaimed and I smiled looking at my reflection in the mirror. I cleaned up well I had to admit. I wore a flirty black dress with nude heels and light make up. My hair was pulled up in a slicked back, high ponytail and I wore a red statement ring with huge, red studs for my ears.

            “Oh you look gorgeous!” Mum gushed and I smiled appreciating her compliment.

            “Thanks guys,” I said kneeling down to Sophie and Connor so I was the same height as them. “Now, I shouldn’t be too late but rules are rules, bath time at seven and bed by eight. One snack after dinner, Connor make sure you do your homework,” a knock on the door sounded and my heart raced. “I love you and be good for Nana and your Aunt!” I kissed their cheeks before mum practically shoved me to the front door and led the kids into the kitchen.

Breathing in I opened the door, “hi!” I said breathlessly. He cleaned up well no doubt. Wearing a casual tux he looked ready to walk onto the red carpet.

            “Hi, Hope,” he smiled that award winning smile again. “You look beautiful,” he complimented and from behind his back appeared a small bunch of roses and I inwardly awed and cheered. “For you.”

            “Awe, thank you! I love them,” I said taking them off him and setting them on the small table next to the door. “So where are we going?” I asked looking at his twinkling blue eyes.

            “Dinner and then we can go to a club,” he informed me holding his arm out for me. Looping my arm through his I closed the door and he led me to his slick, black car. He opened the door like a perfect gentleman and I thanked him as I sat down on the pristine leather seat.

            “Nice car,” I commented as he sat down and pushed the key into the ignition.

            “Thanks,” he smiled. “Your mum seemed very keen on getting you out of the house.” I groaned and he chuckled. Only my mum would set me up on a date and would make it sound like I’d never dated in my life despite me having two kids.
            “Mum, is mum. She just wants me to be happy,” I stated playing with my ring.

            “You’re not happy?” he asked surprised sparing me a glance.

I considered the question carefully because I couldn’t say that I was and I couldn’t say that I wasn’t because neither would be true. “I guess I’m happy on some level but, I don’t know, I guess some things just hold you back. Like I could be having a great time and then I think ‘wait. How can I be happy when life just keeps throwing one cruel joke at me after the other?’ As you can tell me life’s not exactly the easiest. I have two kids with no dad and I’m only twenty-one. Gosh that sounds so slutty,” I muttered.

            “Believe me ‘gosh’ does not sound slutty,” he replied cheekily and I smiled despite myself.

            “What about you?” I asked. “Are you happy?”

            “Why wouldn’t I be?” he asked and I looked at him from the corner of my eye.

            “I don’t know. All that travelling, don’t you miss your family?” I questioned curiously. I didn’t know how I’d cope without my sister and mum and dad. They’ve been my life support for the last three years.

            “Of course I do but I’ve made a new family here. The boys and girls they’re practically family. We do pretty much everything together. We’d trust each other with our lives,” he said and I wondered what that would be like to have a friendship so strong that you were a family.

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