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Me: *enters room while coughing* Well, thanks to Bill, the fire went away. But, it looks like everything was destroyed.

*Mabel, Dipper, and Bill come in after me*

Mabel: Not everything hobbitfalls. *points to the computer* Look.

*Bill, Dipper, and I advert our gaze to the computer. Static filled the screen, and it started to turn white. One word appeared on the screen. Pinecest. Mabel and Dipper run out of the room, screaming.*

Me: *backing away* Nonononononono...*runs after Mabel and Dipper* I DON'T SHIP IT! I DON'T SHIP IT!

Bill: *turning red* Time to get rid of this menace. *erases the word from the computer screen, then turns into his human form, and collapses* That took a lot out of me. *faints*

Me: *run in and notices Bill* Bill! *kneels by his side and puts his head in lap* You shouldn't have done that. *tears forming in eyes and looking up* CURSE YOU PINECEST! CURSE YOU!

*Mabel peeks her head in the room*

Mabel: D-Don't f-forget t-to s-send m-more s-ships. *looks at me and Bill* I-It m-might t-take a-a w-while t-to r-recover f-from t-this t-though.

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