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*Mabel and I run in, close the door, and lock it. In the room was Bill(still in human form), Ford, and Dipper, staring at the computer*

Me: What's this ship?

Bill: *laughing* Oh-ho-ho! This is a good one!

Mabel: Oh no.

Dipper and Ford: *inhale deeply* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Mabel, Bill, and I cover our ears until they stop screaming*

Me: What? What is it?

Bill: *starts laughing again* It's a ship between Pinetree and Sixer.

Mabel and Me: O_O um...no. NO. SHIP.

Dipper: *starts crying* This is worse than Pinescest!

Ford: *joins in crying* This is worse than Stanscest!

Me: *awkwardly patting their backs* I hope they get this over soon. Mabel, Bill, can you get these two some Smile Dip and Mabel Juice?

*Mabel nods while Bill shivers. They leave*

Me: Okay, can't wait until the next one. *muttering* oh boy...

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