chapter 5

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There's a woman on the ground seizing and foaming at the mouth at first I thought that she was choking but as I got closer I saw her eyes were rolled in the back of her head. My throat felt like it wanted to close in on its self and I was getting this uncontrollable urge to kiss her which totally weirded me out. But that didn't stop my body from pushing through the crowd or my mouth from uttering the words,
"I know CPR!"
Even though I so didn't. Everyone cleared into a circle to make room for me I dropped to my knees instantly doing chest compressions but my mouth drew itself to her lips, so I plugged her nose and tilted her head back like I'd seen in the movies. Placing my lips above hers I breathed out and literally watched my life's essence go into her body spreading out to encompas her entire form my aura assesses the damage being done to the woman finding out that she's having a heart attack and a seizure at the same time and if I didn't do something she would die. As I was breathing more air into her I felt a tug from my diaphragm this lightness that flowed through into her mou__.

I wonder where he is... He said he'd be home 2 hours ago. Ever since we had the baby he's never home. I'm so tired of waiting up for him why don't I just leave. I wonder if there's someone else... I miss him.

It's when I'm coming to that I realized that I was just sucked into another vision, of the wife to that dirtbag I'd sired from last night. What a small world I feel bad for the poor woman and now she's probably dead. What bullshit, poor lady. I start crying once I come to terms that I didn't save that woman. Only one tear falls and I catch it before it hits the ground. Any time I've cried I've caught my tears, all sirens do it, it's passed on from generation to generation it's a sign of a happy future with less tears. Of good omens to my people, my mom told me that story a million times and it was one of the only things I liked about my heritage. Once my head started to clear I see a blurry outline of a face only half an inch from me making me go cross eyed. I jump back a step, surprised by the space invader . Once I had some distance I could focus on his face and D to the double damn that guy was fine! Like a mix between Chris Hemsworth and Zach Efron fine. The first thing I noticed about him other than his general hotness was his eyes. Which were lilypad green framed by thick dark lashes. With a straight nose, blump lips that you would want to kiss all day, he also had the thickest hair that I was itching to run my fingers through it was so dark that it almost looked black, its locks were thick with voluminous curls that should not be wasted on a dude who'll just cut it off.
Helping me to my feet he asked,
"are you okay? That was crazy! You saved her life!"

Looking at him in confusion it takes a moment for his words to register in my brain. When my brain finally got past his god like face I looked around for the woman who was sitting up with people swarming her asking if she were okay.

"Did you see that!"

"That was so crazy!"

"Are you okay ma'am?"

Walking over to the woman I ask if she wanted me to call the police, shaking her head she replied,
"No thanks hun I'm fine now better than fine actually I feel great."

I know for a damn fact she wasn't fine I'd felt it she was going to die. How was she alive? Sirens don't have the ability to heal, I put that thought in my pocket saving it for later contemplation. Right when I was going to ask if she was sure I was smashed into and I would've fallen down if super hottie hadn't had caught me and my assailant breaking our fall with a thick thud.
Yelping in surprise I moved to push the person off but stopped when I saw it was a hysterical Chloe.

"Omg apple tree did you see that! I thought she was going to die, you were so brave! I didn't know you could do CPR. Thank god you showed up when you did."
Chloe said with a catch in her voice. Patting her back awkwardly I tried to disentangle ourselves from each other because I was still lying on sexy pants with my back pressed against his abdomen his hands still gripping me around the waist and I was definitely not complaining, I could literally feel the bulge of his abs against my back and it was wonderful.
I'm still using him as a bed when Chloe stops bawling long enough to look over my shoulder to give hunky monkey a flirty smile. Pinching her I give her the universal 'I saw him first' look. She blows a breath of air in my face then uses my boobs to push herself up.

"Ow! You bitch."
I call out. My back rumbles with the eye candy's laughter. I feel my face start to burn with embarrassment and shyness. Climbing hastily off of him I accidentally grind my ass into his hips, I blush even harder at his intake of breath finally able to get off of his sculpted form. Offering my hand I help him up grunting at the effort.

"Sorry about that." I mutter.

He's huge, taller than my dad even. My neck cracks as I strain to see his face.
Reaching out his hand, he gives me a sexy half smile then introduces himself.
"Feel free to use me to break you're fall at anytime." Shaking my hand I feel his thumb run a hot circle along my skin making my breath shallow.
"My name's Alaric, and you are?"

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