Chapter 30

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For the first twenty minutes of the ride we sat in tense silence. But soon that silence was broken with a slap to the back of my chair. Turning my head I see that Theo has unbuckled himself, scooted over to the middle seat and was now hovering over Alaric and I. With both arms strung around the back of our headrests. I continue to stare at Theo for a solid minute before he gives me his attention.

"What's up?"

"Why are in our personal space?"
I try to say as nicely as I can.

"I got bored."
He says then sticks his bottom lip out at me in a pouty fashion.

"If a cop sees you like this both you and Alaric will get tickets so put your seat belt on."
I scold him. Giving me a giant eye roll he complies making sure to sigh extra loud as he clicked the buckle into place. Shaking my head at him I turn back around, turning the radio on before I leaned back in my seat. Just in case Theo tried to annoy me again.
Another fifteen minutes later and we make it to the diner I used to work at. Alaric jumps out of the car, running around he open my door do me which get a barfing noise from Theo in the back. We make our way inside leaving Theo to walk in himself. when we walk through the front door the bell hanging above it goes off. My old manager was sitting behind the register when we walked in. Once she heard the ding she looks up, sees me then let's out a shrill squeal of delight.

"Ivy! My sweet girl, how's school? I heard your house burned down and you had to move. How's that working out?"
She asks as she buries my face in her huge busom, wrapping her mother bear arms around me in a giant grandmotherly hug. When I try to take an intake of breath I end up making a faring noise agaisnt her skin on her chest. Laughing she let's me go Pinching my cheek she hauls my group over to her 'best' table. It was with the least amount of nicks, scratches and gum on it. Sliding into the booth I scoot over to the middle. I silently watch Alaric slide in across from me. Glaring at Theo I convay with my eyes that he should sit somewhere else. Not taking the hint he sits next the Alaric scooting in extra close to him. When Alaric gives him a surprise look Theo relies by winking at him. Rubbing my eyes in frustration I lift my hand to signal a waiter over. It's the new person Sue hired after I left so when he came up to us fumbling and nervous I decided to give him some slack. Theo didn't get the memo and instantly start criticizing the waiters obvious lack of experience. Going out of his way to make the new guy feel bad.

"I think you missed a spot spilling that glace."
Theo said in a snotty voice pointing at a dry stop on the table.

"I'm s_sorry sir, I'm new."
The waiter studder's. Patting the dudes had I say.
"Don't worry, Theo is mentally ill and doesn't mean most of the things he says."

Alaric sprays some water over the already wet table. Covering his mouth he starts to cough, using this opportunity Theo start smacking his back. Rather hard by the way Alaric chokes out.
"I__ think I'm___ good you c__can stop."

With one more solid hit to his back Theo leans back and gives me a little smile. Feeling my anger rising at him I try and kick him under the table. Only to miss and bruse Alaric's shin instead.


I practically shout yanking my foot back, Blushing I cover my face with my hands, under my breath I say to myself.
"This was a bad idea."

"No it isn't, I'm just glad to be spending time with you."
Alaric says to me grabbing my my hands away from my face. I'm staring at him in confusion wondering how he heard that would Theo distracts me bay saying.
"We'll I'm bored so why we go somewhere more 'fun.'"

Standing up from the booth Theo heads for the exit leaving Alaric and I not much choice. Pulling out some crumbles bills from my purse I give it to the waiter with an apologetic expression. Alaric gives me a imploring look, he tentively takes my hand. Entwining our fingers together, this eases my nerves a bit enough where I don't feel like I want to tear my hair out.
Once we're all back in the car Theo says.
"There was this place I wanted to check out when I was driving to your place."

We reluctantly listen to his instructions as he directs us to his destination. When we get there I see it's a popular dance club known for drug abuse, sex, and for underage entrance.

"It's two in the afternoon, this place will be close for another eight hours."
I say to Theo trying to detour his line of thinking.

"Let's come back in eight hours then."
Theo quips. Gritting my teeth I turn around boring my eyes into his when I growl out.
"Don't you have a job or someone your own age you can hang out with."

Shaking his head he gives me a cheeky smile when he says.
"My job can be done from everywhere."

I'm about to argue with him some more when my phone starts to ring. Looking down at the screen it says Monster in bright letters, answering I'm instantly bombarded with mom's military Sargent persona.

I want you home in twenty minutes so you and Theo can get accuainted, learn the rules and regulations and all that jazz.


Don't be late.

With that she hangs up the phone. Giving Alaric my most regretful face I tell him that I need to be taken home. The rest on the car ride happens in silence.
When we pull into my driveway I say an awkward goodbye to Alaric since Theo wouldn't leave. Heading inside I start for the stair intending on getting my workout gear back on expecting more physical torture. I've taken my first step on the stairs when Theo says from behind me.

"Don't think you've got out of going to that club, we won't go tonight but just know when I say we're going I want no complain."
He says as he gives me a stern waggle of his finger. Replying I say in a snotty tone.

"Yes dad."
Then I stomp my way up the stairs
slamming the my bedroom door behind me.

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