Chapter 31

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The next four hours were torture and left me feeling like jelly.

"Theo! I have__ to stop!"
I weezed out with my hands on my knees.

"You stop when I say you do. You're not even close to being able to protect yourself from a god."
Theo states crossing his arms in a matter of fact fashion. Nodding my head in agreement I continue to die of exhaustion.

"Get up and finish, you have three more laps."
Theo commands in an athoritive voice. Trying to stand up straight I jog five steps before collapsing, I was so weak I could barley lift my head to look at Theo's disapproving expression. As I continue to stare at Theo little scales appeared over his body but quickly morphed into bird feathers. Rubbing my eyes I glance again to see all the colors around me starting to change until my vision hyper focused.

"Ivy what's wrong with your eyes?"
Theo exclaims coming closer to me.

"It's the siren madness."
I mumbled as I turned to flop on my stomach. Putting my shaking arms beneath me I try in vain to push myself off the floor. When that fails I resort to just resting there face down until I was able to use my limbs agains. But Theo couldn't even let me have that, grabbing me by my arms he lifts me to my feet. Squinting my eyes I try to lessen the flow of colors and shapes assulting my vision but stop when I notice colors rising from Theo's skin.
Once he sets me on my feet I slowly turn to face him. Scanning his entire body I see that his inner core color was a dusty grey, not super light but not dark so I couldn't technically call him evil, oh well, The outer color was a mix of a lot of red as his main personality color with a a dash of blue which showed what emotion he was feeling right now. And I bet I could guess what emotion that was by the look on his face.

"Are you okay? Should I get your mother?"
He says in a worried tone. I try to answer but my attention was drawn to his chest right above his heart. There I could see his delicious looking essence that swirled and flowed seemlessly around the ticker. It looked different from humans, while humans had a colorless brightest surrounding their heart. Theo on the other hand had flecks of gold swirling in the iridescent glow. I'm still staring at the beauty of his essence when Theo grabs my attention by asking again.
"Ivy are you okay? You're starting to worry me."

As Theo was talking his head swelled up to the size of a balloon but by the end of his sentence it had shrunk to the size of a mouse. Giggling I go back to focusing on his heart.

"So pretty!"
I said as I reached out to touch his chest. His shirt felt like the softest silk so I moved closer placing my cheek next to his racing heart.

I say in contempt as I moved my cheek up and down. Opening my eyes his essence swirled right before my eyes. I felt my own essence constrict in pain as it slowly started to disintegrate. Wanting to stop the painful feeling I opened my mouth and sang.

This pain is crushing
This hunger is disgusting
But his essence is appealing
It's leaving me reeling
With this feeling
That I'll never be whole again.

Theo's eyes had glazed over by the time I'd finish my last verse. This makes me giddy since I barley sang anything before his will gave in. His aura had relaxed to a small tint of red calming his more dominating personality. The orange in his aura was completely gone, replaced by a relaxing blue as his body turned to gelatin. As he sunk to the floor I did a happy dance, excited to stop the annoying ache in my heart.

"Don't worry sweetheart."
I said to Theo's slack form, he didn't respond but I knew he wouldn't. He probably couldn't even hear me right now but I still continue to talk to his drooling face.

"You're about to have the best experience of your life!"
Clapping my hands like a child I straddled his hips. Singing some more as I lowered my face above his.

Your death is calling
I wish to stop this
But my monster wants this
Your end is nearing
My nature is calling
You are dieing
I am falling
We are both damned.

With my last note I place my lips greedily upon his. Inhailing deeply, it's the most delicious thing I've tasted in my existence. It was mostly pure with a slight tang to it. My eyes roll to the back of my head as I suck in deeper filling my lungs with his life force. I never wanted to stop and in my frenzied state I wasn't going to. I was going to suck him dry, I could feel it. A tiny voice in the back of my head was screaming at me to stop, that he was nearly depleted of his soul. Squashing that voice I get ready to take another lung full when I hear someone behind me say.
"I thought he was gay."

Whipping my body around I see Alaric standing by his idling car with a hurt expression marring his beautiful features. I'm instantly snapped back into reality, looking around I see that I'm still straddling a unconscious Theo.

"Oh no."
I whisper to myself as I check Theo for a pulse. Finding none I start to panic.

"Shit, shit, shit."
Placing my hands on top of one another I place them above his chest and start doing chest compressions.

"Theo wake up! Dammit open your eyes!"
I screamed into his unresponsive face. As I continue to pump his chest I feel my powers start to stir. Awakening every nerve ending in my body, I felt new strength fill my muscles and bones. Watching my arms as the moved beneath me I see an electric charge surge along my limbs. Focusing on the electric current running through my body I try to push all of it's power into my hands. When the current doesn't budge I yell in frustration punching Theo's chest. His body tenses rising from the ground slightly as a bolt of electricity shoots into his still heart. Placing my ear over his heart I listen for a pulse. Straining with everything I listen for a slight flicker of life. Closing my eyes as tears start to leak through I pray to every god I'd ever heard from to start his heart. After a solid minute of silence I lean back on my heals and do what I do best in these kinds of situations. I shut down.

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