Chapter 19

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After second period which was a lot like the first I find out that we have twenty minutes to ourselves if we're passing all our classes it's called flex which I thought was weird. Heading straight for the bathroom I dial my mom's phone number hoping she'd pick up but doubting she would since she was at work. But I'm delightfully surprise when she answers the phone.
"What's up baby girl?"

"I have a choir class how do I change that?"
I ask frantically.

"Why would you want to? I sign you up for it, I even sent in a video of you singing so you could get into the better one. The choir teacher even called back and asked if you'd like to join their after school choir. It sounded very prestigious."
Mom says excitedly. Giving an exasperated sigh I reply.
"Well the most obvious reason? Hello I'm siren, I'd rather not put all of my classmates into a stupor."

Laughing at me through the phone she says.
"But you used to love to sing and I thought that maybe if I put you in that environment you'd learn to love it again I miss hearing you sing, hearing while we're hunting just isn't the same."

Shaking my head I say.
"I still love to sing but I can't do it anymore mom you know that why would you even think I could? What if I get to caught up and start sireing on one of the students!?"

"First of all you're at school, keep your voice down I don't want people to hear us and second, you don't have to use your powers all you have to do is sing I just want you to enjoy it again, because a siren who doesn't like the sound of her own voice is just sad."
Mom says playfully, her calm demeanor starting to quell my nerves.

"I never thought of that I just thought you had to use your powers."
I say embarrassingly because I never thought to try and stop the magic flow while I sang.

"Just give it a shot, do it for the week and if you hate it we'll transfer you out, now I gotta get back to work, I love you!"
She hangs up the phone giving me smooching sounds. Laughing I put my phone back in my bag, walking out of the bathroom I head for the hall. Looking left and right I have no idea which way I needed to go for my next class but I had fifteen minutes to find out so I wasn't stressing. Thinking of Chloe I grab my phone back out of my bag and text her.

Where are u??

Library, checking out history books, u?

Idk, help me!!

I'm coming to rescue u stay where you are!

Smiling I lean against the wall next to the bathroom waiting for my knight in shining armor in the shape of a 90 pound Chloe. As I'm waiting a tall jock looking dude with chestnut brown hair and grey eyes come struddimg confidently up to me. Leaning on the wall next to me he asked.
"I haven't seen you around are you new?"

I absent-mindedly reply with a yes still searching for Chloe.

"My names Adam, and yours?"
He asks sticking out his meaty hand. Taking it gingerly I reply.

His hand lingers longer than I like so I pull my hand away. He opens his mouth to say something else but thankfully I see Chloe followed by Alaric come around the corner. Lifting my hand I wave them over, Chloe gives me a happy wave back and Alaric starts to do the same until he's eyes stray from me to Adam. The smile slowly falls from Alaric's face as  he starts to glare at Adam. They reach us and Chloe jumps into my arms giving me a big squeeze. Right when she let's go Alaric pulls me under his arm protectively. Or so I thought until I looked at his face and saw the challenge on his face as he continued to stare down Adam who was surprisingly holding his own, glaring back with just as much venom. I didn't really care that Alaric was claiming me as his it actually made me really happy. But I certainly didn't like his attitude about it, I wanted it to be cute and romantic. Not because he was jealous and was feeling challenged. Pulling out from under him I try and diffuse the situation.
" I have no idea where the rest of my classes are do you think you could give a tour of the school?"
I ask directing my question towards Chloe but the testosterone crazed boys answered before Chloe.

"I can show you."
Alaric growls out.

"No problem."
Adam says with a wink. Chloe starts laughing and grabs me by the arm and just starts walking away. Forcing the boys to follow behind us with their tails between their legs.

"You haven't even been here for three hours and you already have two boys fighting over you, how do you do it."
Chloe asked playfully. I reply with scorn.
"You damn well know why, your the one who picked out the 'come hither' outfit you a-hole, if it wasn't for you I'd be invisible right now."

"Oh yeah."
Chloe says then starts laughing hysterically at her own evil plan.

"You know you love me."
She says linking her arms with mine. I can still hear the patter of more than one persons footfalls behind us and I have to give Adam props for his perseverance even though it's not wanted.
There's only a few minutes left to our free period when Chloe finishes her tour.

"We have forth and sixth together and my next class is that way so I'm gonna have to say goodbye here grapefruit."
Nodding I wave goodbye to Chloe, turning around I face Alaric and Adam who seem to be dieing for my attention.

"I have third and sixth with you so I can walk to class with you."
Alaric offers shyly. Giving him a warm smile I start to agree when I'm interrupted.

"Hey what a coincidence I have those same two classes with you too."
Adam says a little to excitedly. Trying to hold in my grunt of annoyance I smile politely at him. They start to lead me to Senior Political Economy both boys on either side of me.
As we walk into the room I'm placed around the middle of the room. And lucky me was sat right in the middle of the two boys fighting for my attention. This ought to be fun, I think sarcasticly to myself as I sit down.

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