Chapter 18

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The following Monday I was standing at my mirror at 7:00 am looking my my outfit for my first day of school. Sadly I lost a bet with Chloe so she picked it out for me three days ago and it had been sitting on my new vanity laughing at me reminding me of my failure. We had bet to see how long we could eat hot peppers and who would spit it out first, I lost.
Looking at the outfit I thought for the thousandth how inappropriate it was for school. She picked out a white crop top, it wasn't skin tight which I was happy about but it had spaghetti straps and was slightly see through, you could totally tell my bra was hot pink, she even picked out my undergarments knowing full well I'd try and wear a bra in nude color. But she was determined to make me look like a hoochie as much as possible. It flowed slightly longer in the front and back leaving the sides more exposed. She picked out a waist high black skirt clung a little to tightly for me to walk in my normal long strides so I could keep up with all the tall people around me, thankfully my friend was the only person in this town shorter than me. The skirt stopped three inches past my butt, there would be no bending over who knows I might not even sit down because I didn't want to feel the cold school chairs against my bare ass since Chloe also made me where a matching thong even though I begged her to let me wear some spandex. Then there was the shoes, thankfully she went easy on me in this department considering my horrific balance. She have me a pair of black kitten heels that were about 2 inches, not enough to make me wattle around like a penguin but just enough where people wouldn't be elbowing me in the face while walking down the hall today. Chloe gave me a light cream colored cardigan to wear over the ghastly outfit to seem fair knowing I wouldn't wear it because it would be too hot. I'd just have to show her wrong, and hope the school had a good AC system.
Right when I walked through the front door of RicherSons High School named after one of the founding fathers of this town I knew. I knew their AC was broken and I'd have to take off the five pound cardigan, and I bet Chloe knew this the whole time. Walking into the main office I introduce myself.
"Hi I'm Ivylen Grand, I called the school yesterday and they said to come here for my classes?"

A bored looking receptionist looks at me through her low hanging glasses seeming completely bored with this conversation already.

"What grade are you in?
She asks as her long purple nails clicking against her keyboard.

"Uh I'm a senior now."
I say nervously looking around at all the students who know each other but none of them know me, it was really nerve racking. She's still staring at the screen when a printer behind her lights but and starts making noise, without saying anything or even looking up the receptionist points to it. Walking around the desk I grab at it looking at my classes.
Ivylen Grand. Age 17. Senior
Prd. 1: Senior English Room:A16
Prd. 2: Business Math Room: D37
Prd. 3: Senior Political Economy Room: B20
Prd. 4: French 1&2 Room: E13
Prd. 5: Concert Choir Room:A03
Prd. 6: Strength Training Room:Gym

My eyes linger on period 5 until the receptionist asked rudely.
"You can't stay back here so unless you need anything go."

Giving her the stink eye I leave the room. Stepping back out into the hall I realize one thing. I have no idea where any of my class are and the tardy bell was supposed to ring in two minutes. Turning towards the flow of human traffic I ask the first person closes to me.
"Could you show me where Senior English with Mr. Harthfire is?"

A boy who looks like a sophomore with bad acne, terrible hair cut and really stinky morning breath.
"Ugh sure I think I know where it is, but I'm not a senior."

Nodding my head I follow behind him glancing at period 5 again I was going to have to transfer out of that class pronto. Pointing to room A16 the boy says.
"Here's your room, are you new?

"I've been living here almost a year but yeah its my first time here."
I say. He nods his head and starts for his own class. As I'm reaching for the door the tardy bell rings so I push it open hastily.

"Does that count? I'm sorry I don't know how to get around yet?"
I asked axiously fearing all the stories Chloe told me about if you were late.
A man who looked to be in about his early thirties was leaning against his desk when he turned his head to look at me and say.
"No problem kids get free passes on their first day come in, what's your name?"

Stepping into the quite room I introduce myself as Mr. Harthfire hand me my requirement paper for his class.
"My name is Ivy Grand."

I look at the teacher waiting for permission to sit down but sadly he had other things on his mind. Like embarrassing the new kid.
"Tell us more about yourself Ivy, where did you come from, what school did you go to before etc. Etc."

Scratching the back of my neck I say.
"Ugh I'm seventeen years old, this is my first time at an actual school, I've been home schooled my whole life and yeah that's it."
Looking back at Mr. Harthfire I plead with my eyes to let me sit down.

"We'll it's nice to have a new face, why don't you go sit in the back over there by the window, sorry this class is a pretty full one."
He says pointing to a seat in the back corner that doesn't have anyone sitting by it. That was fine by me. Walking over to my desk I sit down and place my messenger back on the ground with a greatful sigh, that thing was super heavy. Pulling out a notebook I set in on my desk and finally look up. To see every student looking at me, the girls in a threatening way and the boys with curious and slightly appreciative way. Their all whispering to each other and when I glance anyone's why they look away quickly. I sit there insecurely wanting to know what's being said. Then all of a sudden my ears start to tingle and all of the sounds in the room amplify to an almost painful noise.

"Holy shit the new chick is super hot."

"Do you see her outfit? Total slut."

"Damn,, should I go talk to her."

"How did her parent let her walk out of the house like that? My daddy would've grounded me for life."

Putting my hands over my ears and letting my hair fall over to cover my face I try to block out the judging girls and the ogling guys already knowing this was going to be a long day.

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