Chapter 22

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When Alaric came running back out his arms we laden with towels a blanket, my robe along with my mom's.
"I think that's a little over kill Rick."

Throwing me a half smile that made his right dimple come out in the cutest way. He dropped the load close enough to me where they wouldn't get wet.

"I didn't know what would work the best so I just grabbed it all."

"That's one why to do it."
I say as I indicate with my finger for him to turn around. Turning around quickly I watch his back as I slowly rise from the water making sure he would turn back around. When I start to wade through the waves it makes sloshing noises making Alaric's shoulders tense. Searching through the pile I find a beach towel then I wipe myself down swiftly. I think grab the first robe I see in the dim light, wrapping it around me.
"I'm good, now help me bring the rest of this in please."

Turning back around he looks at my face but his eyes dip for a split second but instantly jump back to my face. In a strained voice he says.
"You should put on another robe."

Glancing down I squint in the low lighting making put my mom's 'sexy robe' which was a deep Lavender color and was silky just passing my butt. Looking even closer at my chest I see that the cold was finally affecting me. Covering my breasts quickly so he doesn't see my nipple try and cut through my top. Reaching with my toes a snag another robe between them. Pulling I whip the robe up with my leg swinging it behind me so Alaric wouldn't see up my robe. Catching it in the air with one arm still securely latched onto my tata's. Turning myself around I wrap the longer fluffier robe on then tying it tight so it wouldn't show anything beneath.
Once I face him again I see Alaric standing directly on front of me my clothes and towels in his arms.

"We should go inside."
He says his voice dropping a few octives. I nod not saying a word, passing him I make my way to my house, neither of us noticing the outline of the person remaining in the water watching our retreat. Walking through the threshold hold to my house I hear Alaric enter behind me dumping the fabrics on a table lining the hall.

"I'll be down in a minute I'm just gonna put some clothes on."
I tell Alaric walking backwards, my foot catches on something on the ground as I continue to walk backwards making me fall on my ass with a oomph. Shooting back up to my feet before he can even take a step over to help me I try in vain to laugh it off. Running upstairs I quickly throw on a new pair of pj's, cute enough where I didn't feel like I looked twelve but not sexy enough where it looked like I was trying to jump Alaric's bones.
Making my way back downstairs I find Alaric in the kitchen making us sandwiches.

"Want something to drink?"
I ask as I walked behind him. He jumps spinning around with his fist in the air almost making contact with my face.
"Woah! Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

Throwing myself back I barley make it out of the way in time.

"I'm so sorry Ivy, I didn't expect you to be down so fast!"
Alaric studder's over his words.

He says passing me a plate. Smiling I let him know it's okay. Turning away I head for the fridge, pulling out some juice I pours us two glasses. Facing him I pass him his glase our fingers grazing sending tingles up my arm.

I say trying to start a conversation but coming up empty.

He says back to be playfully while taking a giant bite out of his ham and cheese sandwich. Laughing at our lame behavior I ask if he wants to watch a movie, agreeing with me we decide to take our little party into the living room. We settle for a action movie because I'm such a gracious guest. And were about halfway through when the lights in the room flickered, spudders then fizzled out. Leaving Alaric and I in complete darkness.

"Ahhh! What the hell!"
I groan. Standing up I stumble my way into the kitchen to see a storm going on through the open window.

"Ah shit!"
I yell slipping over the wet tile. Skidding over to the window I slam it closed. Taking a moment I watch the storm that didn't give any indication of starting. Buckets of water fell from the sky, it being so heavy that the only way I could see through it was during the flashes of lightning. Once I caught my bearings I started searching through the drawers until I found mom's 'intruder fighting flashlight.' The thing was at least 10 pounds and it shined as bright as the sun.
I'm stripping off my socks when Alaric enters.

"We weren't supposed to get rain like this for another two months."
Alaric states in confusion.

"We'll it is Washington, you never know when the weather will change."
I state back, while his head nods in agreement.

"There's some candles in the coat closet by the door, could you get them please."
I ask Alaric, walking over to the closet he pulls out a box laden with multiple different colored, sizes, shapes, and smells of candles.

"We should probably go up to my room, small place to light up and it's less likely to get a branch through my upstairs windows."
Alaric nods to this and starts for the stairs. About ten minutes later and half the can of lighter fluid later Alaric and I have every single surface filled with a lit candle, illuminating the room in a soft glow.

"I should probably call my mom and make sure she's okay, I'll only be a minute."
Walking out of the room I check my phone which thankfully was on the charger when the power went out. I only had one bar but I could make it work. Calling mom it rings three times before she picks up.

What's up buttercup?

Are you okay? The power went out here.

What? Why is it out!? Did the fuse blow or something?

No the storm knocked it out.

What storm?

The one flooding our yard right now.

Maybe you should go to Chloe's house and wait for it to blow over.

I almost yelled no but then mom would know I had a boy over, so instead I say.

It's raining too hard I don't wanna crash the car so I'll just wait it out, how about you how will you get home?

Don't worry I'll figure it out, I love you stay safe. And stay away from the windows!

I will, love you too.

Hanging up the phone I go back into my room to find Alaric laying in my bed staring out of my window with a serious, forboding expression.

"Are you okay?"
I ask placing my hand on his shoulder.

"There's someone out there."
Was his only reply.

I exclaim searching my yard.

Pointing towards me creek he says.

Looking out I see a shadow of a man through the rain knee deep in the pool of water, a chill runs down my spine as I stare at the stranger dreading who it might be. I'm backing away from my window when a bolt of lightning strikes my backyard setting it aglow for that split moment, I make out only one thing from the stranger.
His baby blue eyes.

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