Chapter 27

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Later that night I lay in bed thinking of those cops. How they seems to be out of their right minds. It definitely wasn't normal there had to be more than I was seeing. I'm still thinking into it when I finally fall asleep.

"Ivy wake up!"
My mother nudges me.

"Leave me alone, it's Saturday."
I say rolling over pulling the covers over my head.

"I know, that means you have the whole day to train."

Shooting up into a sitting position I look outside to see it's still dark. Checking my alarm clock I see it 5:00 am, groaning I tell mom.
"But you said I got the weekend to myself."

"Well I changed my mind, now get your ass up, put on your track gear and Run a few miles. I'm tired of you being caught off guard so I'm going to make sure that no matter what happens in any situation you'll be able to handle it accordingly."
With that she hands me my Nike shoes and walks out of the room. Silently calling her every insult in the book I get dressed in two sports bras to stop the incessant bouncing, a loose white T, and a pair of dark shorts. Pulling up my tresses I go downstairs, stomping and making as much noise as possible to convey my annoyance at my mother. With a slam of the door I start down the road at a fast jog running off anger and determination to get it over as fast as possible. But surprisingly half a mile in I started to feel the rush. Pumping myself harder I move faster the trees blurring passed me until I reached the main road that lead to my school.
Looking both ways I decide to keep running down this road since it would be harder to kick up dust on asphalt. I run for another two miles down the road before turning around and heading back. I'm wheezing by the time I make it back to my road but I still had another mile to go so I wipe my brow, double knot my shoes and keep on going. Once I'm far enough from the main road that drivers couldn't see me I take off my tank running in just my sports bra and shorts. If I was going to be forced to workout I'd better get a tan while doing it. Halfway back to my house I stumble to a stop putting my hands on my knees I suck air into my lungs licking my chapped lips I wish for water cursing myself for not bringing a water bottle and the weather since it decided to pick today to be hotter than hell. I contemplate calling mom to bring me some but remember that I forgot my phone. Kicking a nearby tree stump I whisper to myself.
"I'm so thirsty."

Right when those words leave my lips there's a crack of thunder ahead then instant downpour drenching me in seconds. Not questioning the magical rain I tilt my head back and open my mouth to let the water it. And unsurprisingly I find out its freshwater. Once I've had my fill I try and copy what I'd done before. Willing the rain to stop, which was much harder than it sounded in my head. I couldn't do it until I started to freeze by butt of, once that started happening I'd thought to myself. 'I really wish I could get the rain to stop before the road becomes to bad to run on.' Then poof the rain stopped, it was at that moment I realized my powers were triggered by my emotions, of what I truly wanted, if I could access this and learn to control it I could essentially control my powers as well.
I was now one step closer to keeping mom and my friends safe.
Right when I'm pulling my tired self up the steps mom steps out with a whistle in her hand and I know I'm in for a world of trouble.

"One hundred pushups, now."
Mom says then puts the whistle in her mouth.

"But mo__."

She interrupts me with a shrill blow from her puckered lips.


Another blow.

"You suck."
I say as I bring myself to the porches floor positioning myself the way my instructor had shown me as proper form. Raising a single eyebrow at me she retaliates with another round of harsh blows. I'm halfway through my set when I hear tires rolling across the gravel driveway. Using it as an excuse I start to lift myself but mom plants one of her combat booted feet on my back pushing me back to the floor.

"Did I say you could get up?"

Looking up at her from my spot on the ground I start to protest.

She blows the whistle right in my face that time getting down on her knees even to get nice and close. Shaking my head at her I stick my tongue at her retreating form as she makes her way down the steps. I continue to count out loud the way she told me to but I lean agaisnt my heals to see around her, but when she glances back to check on me I go back to the pushup position so she doesn't make me start all over. But once she turns her attention back on the car, I put mine on the person driving it.
He seems to be a few years older than me, bright golden hair that was even lighter than mine. His arm which was hanging out of his window had black tattoos covering the whole length of it's meaty girth. They looked tribal but not anything I'd seen before and in their depths there seemed to be something alive. Once he hopped out of the car I stared at his shoes which are almost identical to my mother's combat boots expect with less heel. Moving my gaze up I see he's wearing a dark pair of jeans that were starting to fray at the knees. Going up further past his narrow waist up to his broad chest I see his muscular arms are crossed above a slightly too tight black tee. Finally reaching his face I see he'd been watching me check him out the whole time. Before I'm able to look away I see his full lips tilt up slightly, glaring back at the floor I continue my fake pushup count while my mom was being a cougar.

"You must be Theo, I'm Ivylen's mom Keira, it's so nice to finally meet you."
Mom says holding her hand out like it's a delicate flower. Which was total BS considering I'd seen her knock some guy out last night with that same fist when he resisted mom's siren song. Rolling my eyes at her I'm once again distracted from my workout by the new stranger. His hair was cut short but it was long enough where he kept on pushing it off his forehead. He had straight eyebrows what were a much darker shade of blonde than his hair. Going to his eyes I see they are hazel, mostly a dark forest green with flecks of gold streaking through it. He had a strong nose that complemented his face nicely, which a square jawline. I was still apsentmindedly counting when mom interrupts me.

"Ivy you're finished you can stop now, come meet our friend."
Mom says without looking my way. Stopping abruptly at one hundred and six I stand up pushing the dust from the porch off of my fingers. Walking down the porch on shaky legs I stretch out my hand.
"It's nice to meet you Theo."

He says in a melodious voice.

"What brings you out here?"
I ask him curiously still shaking his warm calloused hand. Before he can answer me mom beats him to the punch.
"He's your new trainer. For the supernatural part that is."

Looking at her incredulously I throw my head back looking at the sky I mumble to myself.
"You have got to be kidding me."

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