Chapter 24

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Once Alaric came too I told him he slipped on some of the water that had gotten in and hit his head. He easily agreed and we went on to clean up the rest of the mess my brother created by that storm. By the time we were done it was about one in the morning and mom wouldn't be off of work for another two hours. And there was no way I wanted to be alone so like any other small young girl who just had something thrown in her window I asked him to stay until my mom came home. And like any other teenage boy who just got asked to stay over by a girl he said yes. Rather quickly I might add.

"I'm marking off my room as a danger zone for you, so we can just watch movies in the living room until my mom boots you out."
I said as I piled blankets and pillow into his arms from the storage closet. Pulling out the couch cushions I lay them on the floor. We continue to make ourselves a storm repellant fort leaving an opening in the front so we can see the tv. I put in a Disney movie to match the mood we created.
The movie had been playing for about twenty minutes when my eyes started to grow heavy, glancing over at Alaric I see that's he's on the verge of sleep as well. Turning away from him I lay on my back at stare at the princess blanket serving as the roof or our fortress. And I think of the day I had and how exhausting it was until my my eyes drifted shut.
I'm woken up a few hours later by my mom who's shaking me a little too forcibly.
"What? I'm tired.."

"What in the shiitake mushrooms happened to our front yard?"
Mom asks looking at me suspiciously. Staring at her in confusion I get up slowly and stumble over to the windows opening the curtains I look outside to see branches, leaves, and all other kinds of debris in her front yard. But that wasn't what was weird because mom knew there was a storm here, what was the crazy thing was all of the sea shells, coral, and seaweed covering our porch and we're spaced around the yard as well.

"My dear big brother that I had no idea about because you didn't tell me showed up ealier."
I whisper yelled at her.

"Which brother?"
Mom asks seriously.

"Wait, I have more brothers!? What the hell mom!"
I exclaimed mad that I thought I was a only child my whole life. Mom takes a hold of my arm squeezing it tight repeating herself more forcefully.
"Which brother Ivy? I must know."

"It was Triton, Jesus let go of me that hurts."
I say ripping my arm out of her vise like grip. Rubbing the sore spot I ask.
"How many brothers do I have?"

But she's not paying attention, she has a relived look on her face as she picks up my hand to see my opal ring. When she sees it's back to its normal color she smiles then closes her eyes bowing her head over my hand.

"Uhh, what are you doing?"
I say backing away from mom's personal moment with my hand.

Was her only reply. Clucking my tongue I say.
"Yeah right, when was the last time you've done that?"

"I'm praying to your brother now be quite, I'm trying to tell him thank you."
My mouth falls open in surprise, I gape at her until she lifts her head to look at me.

"He can hear you when you do that? How?"

"Their gods Ivy, it kind of comes with the description."
Mom says with a roll of her eye was she walks back over to my fort. Knocking it down she nudges Alaric with her foot.

"Does that mean I'll be able to hear you when you pray."
I ask excitedly.

"I don't know baby girl, you're a demi-god, why don't we just leave it be there's no need for all of that. Your siren heritage came out dominate so it doesn't matter."
She says as she bends down to shake Alaric because the nudge did nothing.

"Um right you don't know.."
I say to myself scratching my head.

"Know what?"

"That Poseidon's genes were dominant, I just had to break the spell."
Whipping her head towards me she had a surprise slash sad slash proud look on her face.

"But how?"

"When I got stuck out in those woods with Ben, he was trying to kill me I didn't have a choice."
I say as I bury my face in my hands. Feeling mom pull them away she says.
"It is not your fault for defending yourself do you understand?"

Nodding I bury my head in the crook of her shoulder.

"He wasn't human."
I whisper into her neck feeling myself start to tremble at the memory.

"I know honey men like that are monsters."
Mom says soothingly, running her hand down my hair. Pulling back I stare into her eyes as I say.
"I'm serious mom, he turned into a human shark before my eyes! He-e tried to rip my throat out with his teeth."

Mom's eyes cloud over in fear as he runs to her room, Frowning I follow her. By the time I make it to her room I'm greeted by mom's butt high in the air as she searches her something under her bed. She pulls out an old looking lock box, grabs a key hidden in her shirt and unlocks it. Pulling out an old worn out book she starts flipping through the until she's on the page she was looking for.

"Was this what he looked like?"
Mom asked pointing at a picture that look eerily like Ben when he went all freak show on me.

I say weakly as mom buries her hand in her hair. Seeming to pull herself together she looks at me and says.

"Ben was a water demon that usually live in Poseidon's demain, either Poseidon sent him to look for you or a girl with your description or, your the omst unlucky girl I've ever met. Let's hope for the latter for you're sake."
Mom says.

"What does this mean mom?"
I ask dreading that she might say we'd have to leave. But instead she says.
"It's time to put on your big girl panties and start training because if that man knows your alive you'll need it."
Mom says placing her hand on my shoulder. But all I could think about was that wasn't reassuring at all.

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