Chapter 17

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When I start to come to I realize I'm being thrashed around. Opening my eyes I blink rapidly for a few moments trying to clear my mind and my vision. When they do start to clear I see mom with a terrified expression.

"What happened?"
I asked my voice croaking like a frog. Looking around I see my room is in shatters.
"Mom the box is in the corner of my closet, did it survive this?"
I ask in bewilderment. Getting up from her position above me she hurries over to my closet to pull out a crumbled blackened box. Feeling a woosh of air shoot put of my lungs as if I was just punched in the diaphragm.

"Check inside!"
I command. She opens the lid and I see my baby pictures are completely chard, all of my photos with dad gone. But my baby blanket is still completely intact without even a smidgen of soot on his soft surface. Grieving for my lost belongs I hold the rubble of my past in my hands.
"How did this happen mom!?"

"You don't remember?"
She asks in confusion. Looking at her in frustration I reply.
"Obviously, now how did this happen was there a fire? Why am I on the floor.... where's my bed?"

"You paniced or something and you started to glow then you told me to run then something literally exploded out of you."
Mom explains waving her arms around wildly.
"We'll it looks like we're getting a new home closer to your new shool huh?"

Whipping my head to face her I say excitedly.
"Does that mean we're staying!?"

Nodding her head she says.
"After that display I think you deserved the chance to make it work, I'll just have to find a way to keep you safe in this town."

Breaking into a huge smile I throw my arms around me squeezing tightly. Exhaling my breath I close my eyes hoping that this will last. The only things salvageable in my room were the things I'm wearing and my baby blanket. So mom packs up most of her stuff for both of us and drives us over to a motel for a few days until we can find a new place. Thankfully we find a relatively nice house to stay in. It was a light cream color two stories and an acre yard fence. There was a giant oak tree in the front yard that shaded the house nicely. It had a wrap around porch that had white trimmings.
The inside had three bedrooms but the guest bedroom was the size of a closet, I could almost touch both walls on either side of me when I stretched my arms out. And that's saying something since my five foot frame couldn't reach very far. My room was upstairs while mom's was downstairs and we were going to use the guest room for storage. Had a huge open window that faced the backward there was a creek in the back that pooled and bubbled from the pressure on the water flowing through, constantly recycling itself. Behind the creek was a meadow with wild flowers littering the space along with shin high grass green from the Washington rain. The clearing ended and a huge forest surrounded the rest of the property the only way to our house was the dirt road the stretched out for a mile until it connected to a paved road. Taking that one for a few more miles and I'd reach the high school I'd be attending the following week even though the first day was today.
They gave me a free week since our house 'mysteriously burnt down.' And for the last 3 days we spend packing then unpacking, buying and furnashing the house of with kitchen utensils, living room furniture. And a whole new bedroom set for me, since we planned on staying this time. I even got a whole new wardrobe which I'm slightly ashamed to say I made a little more sexy for my taste considering I'd see a lot more of Alaric.
Sitting on the back porch swing I stare out at my new home and scenery which was slightly small and costed us a fortune that I didn't even know mom had. Tha made me think of how much she truly hid from me, probably so much more than I even realize. As I gaze around at my surrounding I find my gaze keeps on drawing back towards the creek which to seem to glow with its own unnatural beauty to me.
Standing I walk towards the body of water. Walking about 30 yards I reach its shore, dipping my bare toes in its surface I feel a surge of ecstasy through me as I became with the water. All of a sudden I'm falling forward into the water not able to catch my balance. Sputtering up I burst through the water drenched my white sundress now transparent and sticking to my skin. Through the dresses sheer fabric I see my feet have turn into a fishes tail, again. Ugh.
Dragging myself out of the water I wait on the grass until the summers sun dries me and morphs my tail back into my tanned legs. Thankfully it didn't take Washington long to cool down so I wouldn't have to worry about getting invited pool parties soon. Getting a text from Chloe it says.

Hey I'm going 2 come over 2 your new place after school, make sure 2 send me the address, I'll bring you the list 4 the requirement 4 your classes. Luv ya!

Texting her back I say.

Kk, see you soon my love!

Almost instantly my phone beeps.

Until we meet again lettuce..

Laughing I shut my screen of lean my head back and close my eyes breathing in through my nose smelling the freshness of the air and forest. It was blissful, thing we're just starting to look up and I was so looking forward to it.
A few hours later around 3 pm I hear a knock on our dark mahogany front door. Running the the screen door to our back door which was on the opposite end of the house facing the front door directly. Swinging it open with a woosh I see a curious Chloe and Alaric behind her who was yet again full with items except for food it was school supplies. Moving aside I allow them in. My new house was very open and let in lots of light the walls were a mixture of golds, tans, and browns accenting each other and making the hose seem even brighter and more cheerful.
Mom stuck to dark furniture which was mostly brown and black so they gave the illusion of matching.

"Wow I'm really digging your place, it's super small but homie."
Chloe says in appreciation. While Alaric observes our conversation and my new home in silence. Walking into the living room it was a huge bay window that takes up almost the whole wall with white gossamer curtains that reached the floor and flowed like my own private dancers when there was any sort of breeze in the room. Sitting down on our new couch I sunk into the leather as Alaric dropped the ten pounds of school stuff I'd have to endure for the text nine months.
I was home schooled my whole life and my dad was a Harvard graduate and my mom was a know it all so it wasn't like I was stupid. But even looking at the pencils, calulator, binders, notebooks, and the already late work was giving me a headache. I hoped I didn't regret this decision.

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