Chapter 12

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"Wait what? What the hell did you just say!?"
I practically scream in my mother's face.

"I know this is a lot to take in but there's so much more that I need to tell you and not enough time."
There's a frantic look in mom's eye that I know quite well, she's getting ready to make us run again.

"I'm so tired of running mom."
I say trying to deter the thoughts I know are running through her head.

"We'll talk more about it when we get home but for now there's going to be interviews, medical exams, and interrogations from the police. So I'm going to need you to be patient until this is over."
I feel her try and pull her hands out from mine, latching on tighter I relpy.
"Oh hell no. You don't just tell your daughter that her dad isn't her dad then tell her to wait on her questions."

Pulling her close to stop eve's droppers from listening in I continue.
"How is dad not my dad? You have to be joking, please don't say that everything I thought to be true, everything thing that I believed and went along with isn't complete bullshit! That I didn't spend my whole entire life living a lie. Please tell me that the one person I trusted above all isn't a fraud!"
I demand. Tears flow freely from my mom when she relpies in a choked voice.
"I'm so sorry baby, but all of your questions are going to have to wait. I can't talk here there's too many people who could be listening in."
She goes to kiss my face in reassurance but I pull back to angry to even look at her.
This can't be real. The god Poseidon is my sperm donor? I knew that after dad died mom let her siren side let loose but I never thought she was unfaithful when dad was alive. A deep pit of shame opened up in me for my father's sake. Had he even known I wasn't his?
I'm pulled from my thoughts by two detectives, the older of the two introduces them.
"Hello Ivylen, my name is detective Stanley and this is my partner in training detective Jens."

Looking over at the younger officer I see that he looks like he'd just came out of training camp. In his early 20's with orange hair, brown eyes, and a crooked smile he looked way to sweet to be a cop. He proves my point with the shy wave he gives me along with the deep blush to his cheeks when I look directly at him.

"Please call me Ivy, I hate being called by my full name."
I say as I extend my hand, getting a firm shake from the seasoned officer Stanley, and a sweaty one from Jens.

"Alright Ivy, we just wanted to ask you a few questions and see if you can give us as close a description of your ordeal as you can. We can't have that man back on the streets can we?"
Stanley answers giving me a prying look.
My pulse quickens when he says this, when I tell them I killed Ben will they lock me up? Of course they will my subconscious replies, I killed someone and now it was time to pay the price. I start with when he'd liquored me up, dragged me out to the woods and tried to rape me. Leaving out how his face changed morphing I'm into a demented half shark hyprid thing. When I get to the part where I have to confess that I killed him a lump forms in my throat. But to the officers it just looks like I'm trying to collect myself, but in reality I'm trying to think up a lie that wouldn't out my whole species.
My mom is giving the cut throat expression from behind the detectives backs so I refrain from telling them I'd killed the son of a bitch. I'm there for about another 3 hours when the paramedics say they need to get me to the hospital for a thorough exam. It takes about 20 to get to the closest hospital and another 4 hours before they deem me well enough to go home telling to keep my cuts clean and to call their local shrink if I feel like I'm suicidal. Not that they said it in those actual words but it was implied.
Walking through the threshold to my house I breath I'm the smell knowing I'd soon be staying in another place, another job with new friends again. Going straight to the living room I sit in the worn out lazy boy so my mom can't try and sit next to me. She notices this with a sad shake of her head choosing to sit on the couch opposite from me.
"I don't know where to start."
Mom says her hands raised.

"How about when you cheated on dad oh I mean Rick considering he's not really my dad."
I'm rewarded with a sharp slap to my face for the comment. I look at mom in surprise holding my sore cheek.

"Don't you ever say that again he was your father and you'll have respect when you speak about him, do you understand!"
Mom yells with a furious look in her eye. You can insult her but never talk bad about her deceased husband or she'd flip a bitch. Nodding my head sheepishly I comply knowing what I said about dad was below the belt. I continue on with a calmer voice.
"How do you even know for sure that I'm not dads."

"Because I got pregnant with you before our wedding."
Mom says matter of factly like that was supposed to make sense.

"And that's better than a maternity test how?"
I relpy sarcasticly. Giving me an exasperated look mom continues.
"Because your father and I didn't have sex until after our marriage."

Barking out a humorous laugh I say.
"Oh now I see why you cheated! Dad was too classy to give it up!"

Standing up abruptly mom screams.
"You know nothing!"

Storming out of the room I sit on the lazy boy watching her retreat I sigh knowing I went to far. Getting up I follow her into the kitchen where I find her at the sink splashing cold water on her face. Before I can open my mouth to apologize I'm interrupted by mom who speaks in a whisper. I have to lean in closer to hear her, her back is still to me so I don't see the haunted look in her violet depths.
"I never once cheated on your father I loved in too much."
Turning back around she indicates that I should sit, I comply wanting her to finish. She leans against the counter behind her like her words are weighing her down.
"Three weeks before your dad and I eloped I was walking home, I was about half a mile from the covenants head quarters so I was being careless. I was too certain in of their power to think anymore would risk getting that close to our boundaries. So I wasn't paying attention around me to busy thinking of Rick and what I was going to wear the next day when I'd see him that I didn't hear Poseidon sneak up behind me."
Covering my mouth I know what mom's going to say next, she turns you face away from me when she says her next words to ashamed to look at me.
"He raped me that night Ivy, and he got me pregnant with you."

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