Chapter 26

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Everyone starts to scatter running in different directions, some jumping into cars and peeling out before the cops can block the exit. I knew we'd never make it to our car in time so I start swimming across the lake.

"Ivy where do you think you're going? You can't swim across the entire lake!"
Chloe yells to me as she heads towards the docks.

"We'll I'm not gonna sit here and get arrested for underage drinking either!"
I call back, but stop and start back not willing to leave my friends behinds. Thinking fast I say.
"Go under!"

"What? No we'll drown!"
Adam says clutching his bleeding nose.

"Under the dock dumbass!"
I elaborate as I duck under it myself. Once I pop my head back up I look around and see a tube to help the dock float grabbing onto it I sway with the water waiting for Chloe and Alaric to follow me. The first to enter after me was Adam, then Chloe and last Alaric. We have to squish close together so we can all keep our head above the water. Sadly I'm pressed against Adam whose dripping blood all over me. Before I can tell him to piss off I hear the creak of the floor boards above our head alerting us of the cops location. Lifting my head up I watch through the cracks in the boards as the police make their way across. They stop right above our heads at the edge of the dock searching the water for any stray kids. I'm holding my breath trying to be as quit as possible when I hear Adam whisper.
"I need to sneeze."

Chloe leans close to his ear and hisses.
"Don't you dare, I swear if you get us caught I will castrate you."

Shaking his head he eyes close and his face scrunches up.

"Ah shit."
I say quietly. Thinking quickly I shove his head under the water. Which was a bad idea on my part because I see his shoulders constricts roughly as a burst of bubbles comes up. His head instantly shoots to the surface as he sputters at me.
"What the fuck Ivy!"

"There's some under the dock!"
One cop yells.

"We found you time to come out."
Another says. We all groan in union as we slowly make our may out. Once we climb onto the dock the cops start man handling us roughly.

"Ouch what are you doing we're complying!"
Alaric says once one of the cops twist his arm behind his back at an odd angle.

"Shut up you piece of shit!"
The cop says punching him in the back of the head. For a split second I see red, my powers shoot come forth faster than ever before as whip out of one cops grip who had me in a bear hug. Running over to Alaric I grab the cop by his scruff proceeding by throwing him into the water the other two cops that were holding onto Chloe and Adam and the one I threw off of me run in my direction. Without thinking I drive into the water, stroll after I hear splashes coming behind me. Sinking to the bottom I turn around to see how many are chasing me, instead I see my friends following my lead and making a hastily retreat. Not knowing how to help them get away I do the only thing I can think of.
Closing my eyes I put my hands together in the praying position even it makes me feel super silly. Continuing I call to Triton in my mind asking him to help my friends and I get away from those cops safely. I instantly I feel the water shift urging me forward while fighting against the cops making them flounder in the water. Watching my friends from the bottom I see their speed increase tremendously I'm about to follow them when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Looking at it I see nothing but I know what it means. Closing my eyes for a moment I send a silent thank you to my brother then follow my friends.
Minutes later we're pulling ourselves out of the water and into some forest surrounding that part of the lake. From the safety of the trees we watch the cops search for us for another hour until they give up. Once they leave we circle back, grabbing our stuff of the shore we go to Alaric's car still being followed by Adam.

"Uh guys do you think you can give me a ride, it seems mine either bailed or got arrested."
Adam says as he kicks at a pebble at his feet sheepishly. I look at Alaric since he was the only one of his with a car.

"Apologize it Ivy."
Alaric says crossing his arms.

"What? No I didn't do anything thing."
Adam exclaims.

"Then you can walk."
Alaric says as he unlocks and opens my door for me.

"Alright, my bad I shouldn't have talked to you like that Ivy I'm sorry."
Adam says looking at me through his dripping hair. Taking pity on him I pat his arm reassuring and respond.
"It's okay, people are assholes sometimes. But we get over it and move on."

Alaric fake coughs to cover his laugh at my back handed acceptance. Climbing into the car Alaric closes my door, making his way around the car he unlocks the drivers side, climbs in and let's the rest of the passengers in. Once everyone is situated he turns around in his seat glaring down Adam he says.
"One rude chauvinistic comment out of you and you're getting kicked out. Got it?"

Adam nods dejectedly as he gazes out of the window silently. Seeing some dried blood under his nose I reach into my purse and pull out some tissue. Handing it to him he stares at it for a moment before he wipes his face.

"Thank you."
He says quietly still not looking at me. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all I thought as I turned back into my seat. For the rest of the ride I thought about those cops and how they seems to not be in their right mind. Thinking of that I turn to Alaric and ask.
"Are you okay I saw that cop punch you."

Reaching for his head he shies away smiling at me.

"I'm fine thanks to you, was your dad hulk or something, you practically threw him. How did you do that by the way?"
Alaric asks. I gape like a fish out of water not knowing how to respond. Chloe leans forward against my seat as she says.
"Yeah how did you do it that was crazy!?"

"Uh those fighting classes my mom put me in, they've been teaching me how to use someone's body weight agaisnt them, it's not big deal. If you took the classes with me you'd be able to do it do."
I say nervously hoping they'll buy my lie.

"We'll that's some bad ass karate banana, maybe I will start going to those classes with you."
Chloe says playfully as she leans back into her seat. Blowing out a relieved breath I lean my head against my seat thinking how many more times I'd be able to get away with using my powers around my friends.

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