Chapter 13

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"Oh mom I'm sorry that I assumed I never even thought_."

"I know you didn't and I don't blame you."
My mom interrupts with a shake of her head. I continue on before she can dreading my next question.
"Did dad know that I wasn't his?"

"Yes he did, hey look at me."
Mom says tilting my face towards hers again.
"He didn't care that you weren't biologically his, in his eyes you were is child and he loved you so much, you were his baby girl and he didn't need a DNA test to prove you were his, because in his heart you were his."
Wiping the moisture from my eyes I ask.
"What did you mean by 'the spell broke' what spell mom?"

With a shaky intake in breath mom says.
"Once Poseidon had finished with me he found out that I wasn't human. He got intrigue and decided to take me home with him like I was a stray or something."
She sneers with a disgusted shake of her head.
"I was only there for one night before I managed to escape but he wasn't happy so I got a spell put on our family rings to protect us from being found by Poseidon but for some reason yours failed so if Poseidon knows he has a daughter he can just think of you and find you. So I need to find a way to contact someone who'd rather not be found to fix the spell."

"Who do you need to find, and why would Poseidon even want to find us? He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to pay child support of anything."
I say with exasperation not seeing why mom is Panicking so bad.

"Who I need to find doesn't concern you, you're too far in this as it is I want you to have a normal life and not have to deal with all of this so let me handle it."
Mom says giving me a look.

"What? No, if this is dangerous I'm not going to let you do this alone are you crazy!"
I'm completely baffled that she'd even think for a moment I'd let her do something like this alone. Mom opens her mouth to argue more mostly likely when the doorbell rings.

"We'll talk more about this later."
Mom leans in and whispers she then stands up to answer the door and as she's walking away I mumble behind her back.
"Damn right we will."

Peeking around the threshold separating the living room from the mainhall I see my mom open the door letting in a hyper Chloe who's yapping up a storm. Mom's closing the door when a foot shoots out and stops the slam.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you under all those snacks."
Mom apologizes to Alaric who's buried under four paper bags filled to the brim with candy, chips, and who knows what else.

"Alaric and I thought that with you being kidnapped and all for the past three days you'd be pretty hungry,"
Chloe tells me excitedly. Jealousy constrict my heart making it skip a few beats we might have met Alaric on the same day but I still called dibs!

" What else did you and Alaric do when I was off trying to stay alive?"
I ask my voice thick with bitterness. Mom passes me a 'knock that shit off' look and when I see the look of hurt on Chloe's face I know I need to chill.

"I'm sorry Chloe I didn't mean that I'm just cranky because some creep tried to rape and kill me no big deal."
I say sarcasticly trying to lighten the mood. But get the opposite affect mom's hands go to her heart like it's about to break, Chloe's intake of breath is a sound of guilt and regret, while Alaric's deep rumbling growl promises danger and some hidden secret that I can't wait to get out of him the hard way if know what I mean (wink wink). With a nervous laugh I take one of the bags that Chloe made Alaric carry.
"Why don't you guys put the rest of this feast in my room I'm going to go take a shower, pick out a movie for us Chloe!"
At her indignant huff of breath I add.

"That's more like it, what are we thinking? Humor, horror, action, or romance?"
She calls to my retreating form.

Alaric barks out.

I yell at the same time.

Looking at each other we break out into awkward giggles, not knowing how to interact with each other.

I say changing my mind.

Alaric says cutting me off.

"Oh this is ridiculous you kids are doing romance."
My mom says throwing her arms in the air. At the sound of romance my eyes flicker to his full red lips my eyes bounce back up to his to find them staring while I was checking him out like a delicious piece of steak. Warmth spreads along my cheeks turning them scarlet Alaric sees this as well and rewards me with a sensual bite of his lip. A strangled grunt sounds at the back of my throat thankfully Chloe interrupts our exchange before I can embarrass myself anymore.
"Okay that's enough from you two live birds why don't you go take a shower Carrion flower and I'll grab us some romance movies to choose from."

"What the hell is a carrion flower?"
I ask as I start to back towards my bathroom.

"It's a super stinky flower better known as the corpse flower, and yes that's my way of saying you reek."

So much for Chloe helping me from embarrassing myself further I thought as I walked away my ears burning from Alaric's bellowing laughter.

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