Chapter 21

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the rest of the week flies by in a blur of assignments, new people, and lots of rivalry. As the days went on that week I'd learned that my school didn't get new students often because the novelty that is me hadn't worn off yet at school. Everyone grew up together and now there's a new girl who the boys haven't met before they were thirteen so they were going crazy. And all of the girls hated me for it.
I was glad to have the weekend to myself, mom would be working Chloe was on a family get away with her two other siblings and her parents. As for Alaric I had no idea where he was. Sitting on my comforter I stare at all my homework that accumulated over the week. Picking up a English packet I get to work.
Four hours later and a huge migraine after I'm shoving my finished work into my backpack. Standing up I pop my back, walking downstairs I grab a root beer from the fridge then make a be line for my couch. Throwing myself on it I pick up the remote and start surfing. Stopping when I find a episode of Charmed playing. Watching three episodes I then turn off the TV bored with it as well.
Wandering around my new house I look for something to do but nothing seems to interest me. Out of the corner of my eye I spot the creek and I feel that strange pull again. With nothing better I pull on a cozy cardigan hanging from the new coat rack my mom got that looks like a tree that looks like it's leaves have fallen. Taking a step outside I take a deep breath of the fresh air. Closing my eyes I listen for the sound of city life but I'm greeted with the sounds of cricket chirps and bird songs. Smiling to myself I step off the porch and feel the plush grass beneath my feet, wiggling my toes I suck in everything around me through my senses, all of it feeling heightened. Throwing my head back I reopen my eyes and gaze at the stars as they twinkled putting on a show of colors and sparkles for me.
Continuing on my walk I reach the creek and watch the rush of water push itself forward to its unknown destination around the world. What would it be like to constantly move around I thought. To be apart of something bigger, something so powerful, reckless, and free. Envying the water I peal back layers of my clothing, I consider swimming in my lingerie but decide against if preferring warm dry clothes when I got out of the water. I plunge beneath the surface swimming deeper and deeper I don't stop until I feel the slimy bottom. Turning to my back I try and experiment with these strange abilities that have been popping out left and right. Opening my eyes all I see is darkness so I try and picture in my mind a floating ball of white light in front of me. When nothing happens I imagine pushing the thought out of me urging it to listen to me. Feeling the air in my lungs strain I start to give up until a small mass of light starts to shine. It's hovering just above my heart growing in size before my eyes, lighting my surroundings. But instead of it being white it's gold and flecks of it's light fall from the orb swirling around itself like little moons. Excitement wells within me that I did this Smiling I reach for it choked up with emotion.
Without thinking I take a breath and suck water into my lungs, in a panic I shoot to the surface making it there in a matter of a second. Sputtering I projectile the water from my lungs sending it at least three feet away from me. My fit is interrupted when a laugh joins in on my coughing.
Snapping my head in the direction of the noise I see Alaric standing at the shore. I continue to stare at him wide-eyed cursing my terrible habit of doing embarrassing things in front of him. I'm still quietly staring at him from the protection of the water when he decides to finally break the silence.

Raising my eyebrow at him lame greeting I give him one of my own in the form of a wave.

"Are you just going to hang out in the water or what? I could go home so i dont interrupt whatever your doing."
Alaric calls to me. Shaking my head no I hurriedly make my way to the shore. When I'm about to re-emerge from the water I realize that I'm still in my birthday suit.

"Uh on second thought how about we talk right here?"
I ask nervously. Giving me a 'don't be silly' look he says.

"I'd rather not watch you get hypothermia, why don't you come out that water must be freezing."
I says as he bends down putting his hand under the surface then pulling it back out to put it under his armpit to warm it back up.
"Holy shit it's like ice! Get out Ivy before I have take you to the hospital for frostbite."

Frowning at his behavior I focus on the water but it doesn't feel cold I was actually pleasantly warm. Still not willing to let Alaric see my goody bits yet I say.
"Nah I'm good."

"Ivy come on get out its too cold!"

"I can't!"
I finally admit.


Looking down at the water so he doesn't see my deep blush I say quietly.
"I don't have any clothes on."

"What was that? I can't hear you I think the water is starting to affect you!"
He calls frantically starting to get worried for me. Raising my voice I yell.
"I'm naked!"

A surprised look registers on his face, taking a step back from the shore I see a deep redness crawl up his neck to his cheeks. Rubbing the back of his neck the only thing coming out of his mouth was a breathless.

Clearing his throat as he tries to look anywhere but at me.

"Do you think you could go inside and grab me a towel?"
I ask as I sink deeper into the water to where only my head is above the surface. Nodding his head fervently he quickly turns around and starts speed walking for my back door. Sighing as his retreating form I submerge myself in the waters depths.

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