Chapter 8

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My chest constricts with fear, I feel his dirty fingers dig into my skin drawing blood. Deeply inhaling he brings one of his fingers to his lips sucking the blood off but leaving the black stain untouched.

"Please d-dont hurt-t me."
I stutter when I see his eyes dilate the black of his irises spreading out leaving only black orbs of lust and hatred.

"What are you?"
I've heard and even met a few supernaturals but never one like this.

"I'm the last thing you'll ever see."
The veins around his eyes start to protrude but instead of blue they're black. In stark contrast to his pale skin. Opening his mouth I see row upon row of black teeth dripping with green pus. Lifting his hand his fingers that are black elongate and turn into claws. Giving me a horrific smile he aims his claws towards the middle of my chest his other hand hiking up my dress.
Breathing starts becoming harder and harder to do as I hyperventilate. Squeezing my eyes shut I turn my face away when I hear him chuckle in delight. Almost missing the rustling in the bushes behind Ben's back. Drawing my eyes away I look at Ben hoping to distract him, wishing my savior would hurry up.


Ben pulls me flush against his chest with his claws to my throat. The bushes shake then part. I feel Ben's hand tighten making it hard to suck air in. I look at the shadow stepping out of the cover of the forest pleading with my eyes to save me. With a cruel twist of fate my hope is dashed by a coyote. I don't know why I hoped, this was nothing like the movies. Ben laughs throwing me to the ground I cut my hand open spilling my blood into the soil beneath me. Kicking me in the stomach I'm flipped on my back wheezing. Stepping over me he stands there a moment looking down at me with satisfaction. Dropping to his knees he sits with his full weight on my stomach so I can't move with my arms pinned between his legs. I start crying when I see him unbuckling his jeans slowly lowering his form over me he hovers savoring his victory. When his face is a mere few inches from me.
I get an idea and wait for him to start lowering to enact it. I wasn't going to let my mom's self training exercises go to waste. When he was about to place his disgusting mouth on mine I let out a siren scream. The 3 toned yell clashing together making a painfully high pitched wail.
Flying backwards Ben covers his ears blood oozing through his claws. Climbing off the ground I move to run but see him already get up. What. The. Fuck. Running over to Ben who had just risen to his knees still clutching his ears. Doing the first thing I can think of, I kick I'm in the groin, and for good measure I do it again. Turning I start to run.
Grunting in pain I hear a commotion behind me but I'm too terrified to look back. Hearing him gaining on me I pump my legs harder my breath coming out labored. I'm just starting to gain some distance when I feel something tangle with my ankle. I eat shit, I knew these shoes would bring me bad luck tonight. Ben lands on top me with a thud, bruising my ribs. Pinning my arms above my head he burrows his claws deep into my wrists. Opening his jaw so wide that it unhinges he brings it down to rip out my jugular.
Even though the thought made me throw up in my mouth I smashed my lips into his mouth sucking in. I had no idea if it would work considering I hadn't compelled him into submission yet. But desperation can make a person do things they normally couldn't do. His essence drained out of him faster than I'd ever seen it go. His essence was the most horrible thing I'd ever tasted but I wasn't going to stop until he passed out. Making gurgling noises he deepened the slobbery kiss forcing me into vision after vision.

Hundreds of women of all ages flashed before my eyes all of their faces lifeless with Ben standing above them covered in blood. Death upon death.

Satisfaction coursed through my veins as I walked into my trophy room, placing my latest prize in a jar. That girl didn't want to look so I gouged her eyes out. Sighing in contempt I looked at my hundreds of other trophies ranging from hair I scalped off of girls heads to teeth I've ripped from their mouths.

I wake up a short time later at first I don't know where I am. Sitting up I look around trying to catch my bearings when I spot the unmoving form next to me it all comes rushing back. Kicking out my feet I crawl backwards on my hands and feet trying to put some distance between us. When his body doesn't show any indication of movement I stand up searching around me. Finding a thick branch I scoop it up holding it like a baseball bat. Creeping over to his prone form I nudge him with the stick. There being no indication of movement I lift the branch above my head bringing it down with as much force as I can muster hitting his back with a 'thwack' when still he doesn't move I drop to my knees.
I feel for a pulse and find none. Dropping back I land on my ass. Raking my fingers through my hair I rock back and forth.

I killed someone.

He's dead.

It's my fault.

I don't know how long I sit there in shock. But I snap out of it as I feel his energy move around in me. Reaching into my blood stream his soul charges me making me feel powerful, and invincible. Then something in me snaps like a knot that was wound too tight in my heart for my whole life finally unwinds then rips open exposing something I never knew was there. Something that I couldn't explain. But there was one thing I knew when I discovered this hidden secret in me, I knew it meant trouble.

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