Chapter 4

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Trying to keep myself busy for as long as I can before exhaustion consumes me I clean the house from top to bottom which in reality only took me 20 minutes since I do the same thing every night. I have a serious case of insomnia, ever since I hit puberty and came into my powers I started getting nightmares. They weren't all the same but they are always similar or connected I think it's my mind's why of coping with stealing people's life force.
A siren doesn't have to kill when they sire. But a lot do because they're twisted bitches. When a siren sires but chooses to let their prey live it leaves them feeling drained, and dulled. Humans can feel their emotions but it's as if there's a barrier between the person and their eternal self. Thankfully as time passes the person rejuvenates their essance and all is as it should be. Unless another siren finds them before they've fully healed then they'd most likely die. At least they'd die happy.
I look around at my neat surroundings, if there was a contest for the most mismatch things in one house ours would win. Every article of furniture we have is from Ross or Good Will, worn and faded but extremely comfortable. Each and every dish and cup is a different color, shape and size. Everytime mom, dad, and I had moved we'd usually leave everything in the old house then we'd set it on fire. Leaving nothing left behind for the covenant to use as clues. The only things that we always kept no matter what were my baby pictures, our matching rings mom got for all three of us with a half human, half fish engraved on the inside of the opal colored band. The last thing we always kept was my baby blanket that a close friend of my mom gave her. Mom would never give me anymore information on this mysterious friend no matter how hard I tried to pry it out of her and dad. The blanket was beautiful, way too extravagant for a baby if you'd ask me. It was a royal blue with pearl white shimmering strands spaced out throughout the whole blanket the border was the same color as the shimmering strands.
After my brisk clean I try reading a romance novel Chloe picked out for me but quickly put it down when the first scene was a woman being bent over a professor's desk. Then I started channel surfing stopping on Charmed for a few episodes which is my guilty pleasure. But even that got boring so I regretfully started my slow climb up the stair to my bed.
When I got to my room I looked upon my bed with dread knowing what was going to happen. Checking my alarm clock it said 2:34 am I groaned inwardly, I had work in the morning. Right when my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

Im searching for someone, someone important. I'm at the base of a hallway I looked down it, it's dark and I can't see anything but someone calls out for me so I take off. The scene changes and I stop suddenly my dad is facing me he's in a doorway just staring at me. Taking a moment I eat up his features trying to remember them 6'4 length and lumberjack build, tanned skin, prince charming hair that was starting to grey. Then I gazed upon my most favorite feature, his eyes. They were brown and held all the love in the world so I was surprised when instead I saw betrayal and sadness in their depths. Shaking his head at me he turns around and walks away fading in the distance leaving only the image of baby blue eyes.

Waking up in a cold sweat I let out a sob then call out to my mom before I remember she's out banging some dude. I threw myself back onto my pillow I look over to my alarm clock and it reads 7:15 am. Getting up I go downstairs to make myself some breakfast as I'm passing the threshold into the kitchen my mom quietly opens the front door with her shoes in her hand. She has her features scrunched up in a 'oh shit face' she hasn't seen me yet so I hurriedly hide behind the front door waiting until I have a clear shot at her neck. Jumping onto her back I put her in a headlock screaming,


She lets out an inhuman, multi toned scream, for anyone who didn't have siren blood their ears would have started bleeding. I feel an elbow slam into my ribs knocking the breath out of me. Then I'm getting judo throwed over her shoulder knocking the breath out of me again.
When she sees it's me she starts crying and starts kissing me all over her face singing a song for healing I was to busy dying to listen to the words. I was emitting a high pitch wheeze that sounded like a goat as I tried to suck air into my failing lungs.

Five minutes later...

Sucking in deep breaths I sit up and put my head in between my legs so I don't get woozy. My mom's sitting next to me rubbing my back until I nod my head indicating that I'm good.
She stand shakes her head then yells,
"what the fuck do you think you were doing, I could have killed you!"

Still panting I reply, "sorry mom (inhale) I didn't know (inhale) you were going (inhale) to go all (inhale) Kung Fu Panda on me..."

Huffing she takes off for her room to put on a pair of clean clothes I assumed. I'm eating 'Mini Wheat' cereal by the time she makes it downstairs in her work clothes. We both eat quickly she does some mom stuff while I take a shower and dress for work myself. Driving me to work she gives my her usual sloppy kisses before I hop out of the car. Right before I close the door I remember that I was supposed to ask her about school.

"Hey mom how would you feel about registering me for school here?" I wait anxiously knowing the huge speech she'll give about exposure and the covenant, but I'm thoroughly surprised when she says.
"That's a great idea sugar I'll call the school today and get you signed up."

I fling my head back and look up at the clear blue sky whispering shit under my breath.
"Okay dokay mama, see you later!"

Watching her over my shoulder I see her lean over to roll down one of our manual windows,
" I love you text me when you need to be picked up or if you're getting a ride home!"

Waving as she pulls out of the parking lot I head inside and it's chaos.

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