Chapter 20

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It's 12:25 pm by the time I walk through my choir doors, I'm actually looking forward to this as much as I'm dreading being in this class. Anything really to get rid of Alaric and Adam's incessant bickering to prove who had the bigger peni__ I mean ego. The class is men's and woman's there's no desks but there is three rows of risers and chairs. Every single person held a black folder in their hands that had a printed name taped to the front, I assumed they were used for sheet music.
Walking into the room all the chatter stops until a petite woman in her late 30s comes walking out of her offices. She's wear her curly red tresses in a messy bun at the top of her head, her clothing is a rainbow of colors and layers. My choir teacher basically looked like a hippy. When she sees me she shrieks like we're the best of friends and haven't seen each other in years. Running up to me she throws her skinny arms around my stomach giving me a big bear hug. Stupified I look around in confusion to see big smiles on all of my classmates faces like this was an everyday occurrence.

"Uh hi I'm_"
I studder out with her crushing my ribs.

"Oh honey we all know who you are, why don't you go sit over by Emily."
My teacher points over to a girl with wavy black hair and green eyes.
"Hi Ivy, it's nice to finally meet you. I feel like I already know you though."

Gazing at her in confusion I ask.
"How so?"

Giggling she continues.
"Because my brother hasnt stopped talking about you since you guys met."

Raising my eyebrow I ask already guessing who it is by the unearthly resemblance.
"Who's your brother?

"Alaric of course who else has been drooling over you?"
She exclaims. Fake coughing I say.
"Adam." Under my breath.

"What was that?"
Emily looks at me curiously. Shaking my head I tell her nothing right when out teacher starts her lesson. I shake my head as the teacher starts to speak.
"We all knew we'd be getting a new student, we were very excited for you to join us Ivy. I was so impressed by the video your mom sent us that I just had to show the class."

Lifting up a little clicker thingy she points it at a monitor behind her and starts a video. The video was from our old house I'd been in the shower. Not knowing mom had snuck into the bathroom I'd been singing my heart out. Even heard some Kristina Aguilera notes in there somewhere which was slightly mortifying. Mom recorded her face the whole time listening to me sing, she was sitting on the toilet, lip singing along it was quite interesting actually, at least my class thought so because they were cracking up while my face was burning with embarrassment.
I spent the rest of the class getting a rundown on all of the songs while the rest of my peers got to play on their phones. On a particularly beautiful part of the song my teacher who I'd learned was Mrs. Weathers told me it was a solo and she wanted me to try out once I learned it. Actually let's rephrase that she told me I'd try out no ifs, ands, or buts. Overall the class was amazing and there was no way in hell I was transferring even if I had to pretend to sing.
Walking into the gym after changing into my workout clothes I see my friend in the corner next to a squatting bench. Waving I start to walk over to them when someone steps in my way. Ramming into the chest of the person I hastily take a step back and look up to confront the rude giant. Locking eyes I see it's Adam who is smiling at me pervertedly.
"Feel free to run into me anytime."

Trying to step around him I reply.
"Actually you walked in front of me, so it's your fault."

Blocking my way yet again he asks.
"Do you need a spot."

"No thanks Chloe has me covered."
I politely say as I dash to the safety of my friends. Reaching them I stand next to Chloe who has her arms cross, not knowing what to do with myself I mimic her pose. Trying to appear like I know what I'm doing in a gym. She hip bumps me and winks at me. Smiling back I look to the front of the class where the coach was telling us what we were going to do today.
"Most of you already know the drill but for the newbies if you're in group A it's upper body today. If you're in group B then it's lower body. Get to work, don't mess around, and I expect all of your sets to be finished."

There's a collective groan that goes around the room so I assume what he had to say was going to suck. Frowning Chloe goes to grab a green sheet that has all the outfits we're supposed to do on it. But Alaric puts his hand on her shoulder stopping her.
"Don't worry I got it."

I continue to stare at her shoulder where he touched it as he walked away.
"You and Alaric seem to be getting close."
I say with an edge to my voice. Lifting her eyebrow she gives me a crooked smile.
"Are you jealous?"

Crossing my own arms I scoff but then dropmy head whispering under my breath.

Throwing her arm around me she says.
"Don't worry about us, seriously that boy only has eyes for you trust me. He might act all sweet and shy around you but when it's everyone else he can't shut his trap, and all he can talk about is how pretty Ivy is. Or that outfit looked good on her. And there was that one time you were playing with your hair and he practically lost his shit about it, he thought it was super sexy."

Leaning my head on her shoulder I say.
"Thanks, sorry I was being a jealous dingle berry."

Laughing along with me she squeezes me and says as Alaric makes his way back passing me our sheet.
"That's the spirit cucumber."

There's a big letter B next to Chloe and I signatures, Chloe looks over my shoulder to see what we are and squeals. Snatching the sheet from my fingers she claims the squat bench next to us.

"Let's go make our butts big!"

We're on our second set when Adam comes walking up to us.
"You guys sure know how to distract all the boys in here."

At his words I look around to find all the boys eyes glues to my ass. Except for Alaric who looks like he's about to blow a fuse and knock out everyone, especially Adam. I look to Chloe for some help who instantly steps up to the plate but I knew she would.
"We need to finish and we still have a lot to do, so move along you're distracting my delicate friend here."

Rolling my eyes I pump out my last two squats feeling my legs go to jelly. I try to rub some feeling bak into them when Alaric says.
"It's because you're doing it wrong here let me show you how it's done it'll help you last longer during your workout."

Nodding my head I lean against the wall behind him. He has his back to me as he sets up the bar putting 3 sets of 45 pounds on either side. Listening to what I'm told I watch out its done, happily.

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