Chpt. 13 ~ Good thing STDs don't spread through contact, or we'd be doomed

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"Cy. I. Think. We. Lost. Him.", I panted, throwing myself onto the partially deserted road and breathe heavily.

Cyder was a few feet away from me, but looked as if he was going in circles from my perspective.

"I know, we lost him a while back"

We what?!

"Then why the hell were we running?!"

"Cause its a nice night, figured a run would be good", he said simply.

Now that I noticed, he's not even sweating.

Still panting heavily, I dragged myself off the dirty road.

"I. Would. Kill. You. But. I'm. Out. Of. Air", I breath, placing my hands on my hips for support.

"Ali, we were running for one street, 1 street, 1 street, we ran past about 6 houses, how can you be out of breath?!", he mused.

I rolled my eyes. "Do I look like usain bolt?"

He shook his head, "what kind of dancer are you?"

"An awesome one", I smugly retort, finally getting a few air in my lungs.

Cyder rolled his eyes.

"Let me message Shane, he should be able to pick us up", he said.

I nodded.

"Wait! You kidnapped a girl?!", I said after a moment of realization.

"No, no didn't, I simply helped her run away, huge difference", he defended,

"Yah, huge", I sarcastically said.

"Oh shut up, noone told you to barge into someone's home! Where are your manners?"

"It got annoying carrying it around, so I left it home", I shrugged.

Cyder rolled his eyes but said nothing.

"Shane just messaged me, he's at the corner, let's go", cyder said after checking his phone.

"No, no more walking!" I groaned.

Cyder sighed and grabbed my arm , pulling me down the street.

Once we reached the corner I spotted a shocking green car, definitely succeeding in lighting up the street.

A boy shoved his head out the car and shouted, "hurry up man, you aren't old!"

I'm guessing he was Shane, but it was to dark to make out his face.

We got to the car and it was full. Shane, being the driver, calum had shotgun, Skylar and Zachary at the back, with,  sadly, amber.

I highly doubt we would fit.

"Yo man, where will we sit?", Cyder asked.

"Someone will just have to double up", Shane spoke simply.

"I'll do it!", amber offered.

"Course you would", I muttered, unfortunately too loud, since everyone except amber started to laugh.

Good thing it was too dark to see her face.

"I'll sit on Skylar", she said, raising herself up and sitting on Skylar's lap.

"No you won't", Skylar said forcefully pushing her back to her spot beside him.

Can someone say 'shimezy?!'

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