Chapter. 21 ~ Failing Viagra

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A/n: Ali's last name is pronounced the way niall horan from one direction says 'chance'. If you don't know what I'm talking about, listen to 18 by 1D. Lolzz, SHOUTOUT TO DIRECTIONERS!!

Chapter twenty-one: Failing Viagra

After muttering a few colorful words under my breath, directed to the retreating figure of Skylar, I stomped my way to math class. Which I was late to by the way.

Great. I'm late to my first class, on the first day of school, how lovely.

Mr. Grayson glared at me as I pushed his door opened, and the looks I was getting from the kids in class didn't really help.

"Ah, Miss Chunce, late I see, I guess that D+ last term didn't change your view on things. How proud was your parents when they saw?"

A few snickers were heard.

Oh, how I hate this man.

"Very proud, actually. My dad wanted to take me to Hawaii to celebrate, but I politely declined, I'm way to modest for that. And mom was over the moon, she called all our relatives, said it was a real improvement from my D- last time", I smartly retorted.

If looks could kill...

I'm pretty sure he wants to send me to deten-

"That's it, Miss Chunce, detention this afternoon!"

I faked shock. "Why, what ever did I do?"


Glad I could make my classmates laugh. Don't worry, I'll be here all week, guys!

"I'm warning you, Alisha."

"Fine, fine, relax. This term I promise I'm not gonna fail like your Viagra."


Oh he was fuming now.

Normally, I wasn't like this, but Skylar just pissed me off so feel my wrath Mr. Grayson!


"Gladly, I'm kinda tired of your face. Two months just wasn't enough", I said, before walking out his class.

Great, Skylar's turned me into a bitc.h

Walking down the halls to the principles office would probably be the most scariest I've ever been in my life. Actually, no, not really, just a little shocked I actually stood up to Mr. Grayson.

I pushed the doors of Mr. Fraser's office and politely smiled as he looked up from his paperwork.

"How's our star dancer doing? What brings you here Ali?"

I sheepishly scratched his head. "Umm....about that...-"

"What did you do?"

"I might've spoken back to Mr. Grayson in class once or twice..."

"Hmmmmmm, was it one time or-", he asked taking a sip of his water.


"What did you say?"

"I might've told him that his Viagra failed..."

As soon as those words left my mouth, the water he drank left his.

"Ali!", he exclaimed, trying his best to hide his laughter, "you can't say stuff like that!"

I sheepishly smiled.

"What to do with you...?"

"Nothing! I'm your best student! You love me!", I cheekily sang.

He rolled his eyes and muttered, "best. Weird, my 'Best' student has never gotten a B."

I playfully pouted. "Meanie."

"Alisha, get to class. And don't you dare tell that man anything. Umm....punishment-"

"He already gave me that", I cut.

"Well would you rather do detention after school, or help me out with all this work at lunch"

I smiled. "And miss annoying you? No sir-ri!"

He rolled his eyes and said, "Get out"

"Fine, I'm going. I'm going. Bye", I said, walking out the door, leaving him behind chuckling.

Maybe walking to the office wasn't scary, but walking back to math class surely was.

Pushing the doors once again, receiving Mr. Grayson's glares and the look from the kids in class, I can sense the déjà vu.

Obeying Mr. Fraser's word and not saying anything to him, I made my way to my seat. Which inconveniently, was at the front of the class.

Oh how I love school.

Shooting me a final glare (which I'm sure won't be the last today), the went to the board and wrote today's topic.


"Great way to start school. I heard all about what happened in first period", Theo said, taking a seat at my lunch table.

It was occupied by me, porsha, her boyfriend, danny, and her best friend, Emma. And now, by Theo.

Vanessa had chosen to sit with her cheer mates today, and I'm thankful for that.

The boys haven't arrived yet, judging by the deserted table in an isolatedy corner, which porsha pointed out to me that it was their table.

Never, have I once noticed that... Makes me wonder what else did I miss in my 16 years...

Well my relief of the missing boys were short lived when the doors of the cafeteria opened and they came strolling in, side by side, as if they were the kings of hearthob.

What was more worst was when they glanced in my direction. All of them.

Calum crazily gestured for me to come over, while i averted my gaze and acted like I didn't see. Shane smiled and wave, kinda like private from Madagascar, cyder nodded, Zachary kept staring me, almost walking into a bin.

I snorted as I watched him regain his balance, then I looked st Skylar.

That bitch.

Did he- fudging arse.

Skylar flipped me off?!

What the hell?

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