Chapter. 29 ~ One completely psycho, One completely delusional

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"Aw come on, Alisha. I wasn't that bad", Skylar laughed as we walked towards my house.

I scoffed. "I've got shit in my nails."

Calum laughed. "Not my fault you can't use a damn shovel."

I rolled my eyes. "The bloddy tool was heavy! What'd you want me to do?"

Calum shook his head in disappointment. "You're lazy."

"I got half a mind not to speak to you again", I stated, making calum laugh.

"Yah, well you only got half of a mind."

I gasped.

That bloody jacka-

"Oooh he told you!", Skylar exclaimed, earning a glare from me.

"I'm sorry!", Skylar yelled.

I flipped him off and stomped into my house.

Urgh! These boys are just!

Slamming my door I made my way up the stairs.

"Al Al?!", Mom called, probably from the kitchen, making me stop halfway on the stairs.

"Yeah mumz?"

"You have a visitor", she sang.

I rolled my eyes at her childishness. "Okay, be down in a min, I have some crap to get off my hands. Literally."

Quickly washing, sanitizing, and repeating till I felt I hand hands to eat out of again, I made my way back to the living room.

AND boy was I in for a shock.

There, seated in the middle of an awkward conversation with Aiden, was zera.

As soon as she spotted me she jumped right out of her seat.

"Um well.... nice talking to you, Aiden. Um...bye!", she quickly grabbed my hand and pull me out the door.

I laughed.

"That's not funny. Your brother is weird. He literally just explained to me the different types of condoms!!", Zera explained, making me laugh harder.

"Anyways", she extended her hand, "I'm zera. We didn't quite get to talk with Skylar and all."

I nodded and took her hand. "Alisha."

"You know", she twirled her hair, "You look a lot like my mom."

I didn't know whether to smile or not.

"That's a good thing. My mom abandoned me with my dad, when I was born. I've always wanted to meet her, but she died before I even knew what mother meant."

"I'm sorry", was all I could muster.

"Its cool. I manage. Plus, my dad and my stepmom takes care of me."

I nodded.

", what brings you here? Two, how do you know where I live?"

"Oh, Ava told me. And I'm here to help you win Skylar over."

Say what now?


She rolled her eyes. "Let me be blunt. Skylar needs a girl in his life, a stable one. If he's distracted, he'll get off my case."

I looked at her in confusion.

"Skylar is my half-brother. Whole brother if you look at it in the 'you're fully related if you share the same father' way. I'm what you would call troublesome. In fact, I've just came out of boarding School. Four years in that place and all I learned was how to go lezzo and manipulate people with sex. Anyways, Skylar is seriously protective, and I need him off my back. A girl's gotta live a little, you know!"

I nodded, slowly processing the information. "So at the hospital?"

"Oh that. See....I got into a tinsy fight with this slick from my old school, before I got shipped away. Anyways, I broke her nose and such. No big deal. So you'll do it?!"

I think she's gone psycho.

"Ummmm.....,I don't think so..."

"Aw come on! He likes you! I can tell, he's terrible at hiding secrets, mostly just straight out and tell them. All you have to do, is get him out his shell. Sure, he's rude, and infuriating and annoying, and a snorer, and a terrible singer, and a bad host, and he's dirty and has weird hobbie-"

"I get it."

She nodded letting a small laugh escape her lips. "What I'm trying to say is, beneath it all is a nice annoying, rude, infuriating, snorer, terrible singer, Bad host, dirty guy with weird hobbies. All you need to do is get through to his heart, I think he has one, and he'll be fine. And if that doesn't work, intoxicate him, he's himself when alcohol is in his system."

Okay, she's definitely loco.

"Oh please do it! In the end you'll get to be with him and I'll get him off my back!! Its a win-win!"

I sighed. "I don't know...."

"I know a lot of embarrassing stories about him"


She cheered and engulfed me in her arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I chuckled and hugged her back.

"You're the best, Alisha!!"

I smiled and broke away from the hug.

"Great!! Its Ava's birthday tomorrow and you have to be there. Birthday girl's request. And we'll use that time to execute this plan."

I nodded. "You're really into this, huh?"

She smiled. "I love Veronica mars."


"Well ummm..., I should get going before Skylar files a missing person's report", she said chuckling.

I nodded. "Bye. Nice meeting you by the way."

"Same here, I'll text you", she said, before walking off.

I turned and went back into the house.

"So al, who was that chick? She's hot", Aiden said, walking up behind me as I mounted the stairs.

I rolled my eyes. "She doesn't like you."

"Psh! She digs meh!", was all he said as he entered his room.

I sighed. My brother is completely delusional.

Making my way to my room, I collapsed on my bed. Waking jerry, who was curled up in a ball sleeping, up.

He simply meowed in anger, then switched positions from the bed to my stomach.

I waited till he was fully comfortable, then fling him off me.

He landed in the floor with a thud, then scrambled out my room.

Good choice, jerry.

Last time I checked I wasn't a cat post.

Maybe I'll be a vet when I get older, you know... Stop animal abuse an all. My life would be a perfect example..... Seeing as I'm so great with animals, ask jerry.

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