Chapter. 27 - Better to be contented, than your girlfriend.

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Okay. Call me dumb, call me stupid, call me gullible, call me......a lot of mean shit. But I found myself in the same situation again. Like the last time I was on a bicycle with Skylar.

"Can you please tell me why there's always someone trying to kill you when I'm around. Like, can they kill you when I'm not witnessing or even better, when there's a chance that I'll survive?!" I shouted in Skylar's ears.

This boy will be the death of me.

I felt his body shake, indicating he was laughing. Idiot.

"Darling, let's just say I have enemies", he smugly replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you into illegal car racing? Or underground fighting? Or weed smuggling? Or human trafficking?"

He made an attempt to look at me. But almost ran us into a school bus, so he took a quick swerve, making us, most importantly me, fall off the bike.


Without even a warning, he pulled my up by my hand, and ran through he now jampacked road, me dangling, and frankly, struggling behind him.

Aw he cares soooo much about me!

"I'm sorry, but why are we running?!", I yelled, as I stumbled over the things he dodged.

"Oh I don't know.....its not like there's a man in a car chasing us, or that he has a gun, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "You jackass! Don't you realize that you just caused an accident! The road is now jampacked, he can't get through."

He instantly stopped running, "Oh yeah."


And to think he has a higher IQ that I, makes you wonder how dumb I am.

"Well anyways, let's keep going. We only have like 5 miles to go", he said, shrugging.

Five miles?! By feet?! Hell nawh!

"Oh no we aren't! Do you know what five miles is? By feet?"

He rolled his eyes. "You're lazy."

I scoffed.

"Well, that's the only way were getting home. We can't head back and get the bike", he pointed out before walking off.

"Could've owned a moterbike. Just like all the other badies, but noooo, you just had to go for a bicycle, one that you stole by the way. Way to go, cheapskate", I muttered under my breath before running up to catch him.

"You know, you're pretty lazy for a dancer."

I glared at him. "And you're a pussy for a badboy."

He sighed. "Why do you keep calling me that? I am not a bad boy!"

I scoffed, "Yeah right. You wear dark clothing-"

"I could be goth or emo"

I rolled my eyes. "Leather jackets. Bitchy attitude. Your hooo-rny"

He glanced at me with a smirk. "You we're gonna say hot, huh?"


I quickly shook my head.

"Its okay to admit it. I already know."

I scoffed. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're not my type."

He rolled his eyes. "Mmhmm, that's why your hand was all over my hair when I kissed you."

I gasped, trying hard to hide that little hint of red creeping onto my cheek.

"Yah, well you're the one that kissed me", was my great retort.

He rolled his eyes. "Well duh, that's what people to the the person they like."

Wait, what?

I opened my mouth to reply, but I couldn't find the words. Did he just just....just s-say that he......

I looked that him, both nonchalantly shrugged and walked ahead.

I'm confused.

Just when I thought that I finally understood him.

"Hey!", I called running up to catch him. He simply stood and waited on me to catch up, before walking away.

"You're weird, you know."

"Why'd say that?"

"You kinda just said you like me, but you act like its nothing."

He let out a low laugh. "Cause it kinda is, Alisha. Everyone has feelings. I just happen to have feeling for you. I'm not gonna deny it. I like you, I own that, but nothing's gonna happen."


Well that stung.

"Look, I didn't mean to burst your bubble or anything, but let's face it. 90% of highschool romances never last, and 9% ends in divorce, and that 1% Is very rare, and I'd be very dumb to think that we're that 1%", he looked at me, then sighed, "Its better to be friends. And anyways, I'm not looking for a relationship. You've made it far enough to become my first female friend, be contented, it'll take you far. You be you, focus on your work, lord knows you need it-"

I gasped. "You b-"

He chuckled. "Hey! I'm only speaking the truth."

I rolled my eyes and shoved him.

"Anyways, Alisha. You've got that dance thing going, pretty soon we'll be out of school, you'll go off and be a professional dancer, and I might run a business selling stolen bicycles."

I laughed.

He slung His arms around my shoulders. "See? Why should we ruin this?"

I forced a smile. "Yeah."

"Oh look! A bus! Now you don't have to walk anymore", he exclaimed, before literally skipping off to the bus.

Maybe he's gay. I mean, let's face it, I'm hot.

I shook my head at my thoughts, then followed him into the bus.

Sorry I'm off the radar and this chapter is short. I'm been going through some stuff.

I managed to write, and I think its a pretty good chapter, so yah....forgive me if I seem a bit out-of-it.

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