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"Rie-ah,we have something to tell you.I hope you won't be mad about this",remarked Mr.Min as he and his wife took the seat on the sofa opposite of JinRi.

"Come on,appa and omma.Just tell me first what's the matter.Don't make me keep wondering like this",explained JinRi smoothly who is now looking at her parents.

"Well,actually....our business...abroad are having some trouble in their franchises.Therefore,we're planning to go help them so we can keep expanding our business.We'll be leaving next week...for your information Rie-ah",commented Mr.Min who is struggling to put his words together while Mrs.Min just keep nodding.

"Is that all that you wants to said to me?So,that explain why omma look so sad.She's worried that I would be mad at her since I just returned,right? Aigoo,don't be.I don't mind at all that's your job,of course I should be professional about it",declared JinRi while giggling.

"Yeah,that's all...I think.So,you're not dissapointed or upset and....mad at us?",asked Mr.Min again.

"I'm disappointed but only a little bit.I just hope that you'll be back soon so we can spend more time together.After all,even if we were seperated for a long time blood is thicker than water.So,shouldn't we all shared a hug since both of you are leaving?",boasted JinRi.

Mr.Min and Mrs.Min chortled a bit after hearing their daughter asking for a hug all of a sudden.They knew that their daughter can be weird sometimes and it was as expected from her.However,both of them stood up from their seats on the sofa and went towards their daughter pulling her for a bear hug.They were very proud of her and cannot believed that their daughter has matured a lot compared to when she was younger.Soon enough they broke the hug and sat back at their place earlier.

"Yeobo,I think you forgot to tell her one more thing",whispered Mrs.Min.

"Ooh...about that's matter right?Why don't you just tell Rie-ah since it involving you?",replied Mr.Min while glancing at his lovely wife.

"Tell me what???'re keeping secrets from me again",muttered JinRi while pouting.

"Ani..Rie-ah.Well,your father and I have been thinking that since you're not doing anything,why don't you replace my place for a while in the entertainment agency?Come on,Rie-ah it's not that bad.We're worried that you have nothing to do.Besides,as the heiress of our businesses you should try to manage them from now on",announced Mrs.Min.

"Whattt????How could you decide without me knowing anything at all??",shouted JinRi loudly but not too loud that it can woke others in the  neighbourhood.

"Pleaseee....Rie-ah.If you don't then there's no one else who can I relied on.You'll get to meet your Yoon oppa also if you agreed to",pleaded Mrs.Min while blinking a few times trying hard to create her aegyo by pouting since she was terrible doing it.

"Urghh...okay fine but I'll do this only because you and appa keep insisting",stated JinRi after there is a silence for quite a long time before she pinched her omma's cheeks.

"Yaaayy..ohhh,you're also going to live at an apartment since the entertainment agency located in the city.It will be easier for you.I've already settled the documents and the furnitures so just brought yourself and clothes",remarked Mrs.Min ecstatically.

Mrs.Min knew her daughter well enough that she was very sure that it will be easy to persuade her by doing aegyo or mentioning her brother's name since she loves him so much.It was indeed a success as she manage to make her agreed.

"Hmmm..okay",uttered JinRi without complaining as she knew that it was no use.Besides,her omma and appa were right.She has nothing to do at home anywhere.She can learn how hard it is for her parents working their butt off making money to support their family.

JinRi will also learnt to be responsible and independent by herself since she will be shouldering the burden of other people who are working under her.She will have to go through thick and thin of life so that she would be more understanding about others instead of living in her own life without souls in it.

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