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Without hesitation, I took the card and read it. It is written that ' Are you a camera? Because everytime I look at you I smile. Meet me at the xxxx park - ㅇㅅㅇ ' A smile crept onto my face as I read it. Well,I do not know who wrote it but I think it is quite cheesy.

I was about to think whether I should went there or just ignored it when I heard my phone's message tone rang. It was from Amy which telling me that she has to rush first since there's an urgent at her home and sorry for ditching me. I just replied her an okay and wish her that may the problem be solved.

'Oh well,it's not wrong if I went there,right? After all, I don't have to wait for Amy anymore. Just hope that it's not a prank or I'll end up swallowing the person alive', I murmured to myself before my steps end up strolling to the xxxx park.

As I arrived there, I could see that so many lights hanging around that I thought maybe someone was going to propose or something. Well, it was sweet of whoever he is to do that for his special one. As I was sauntering, I saw the same mini baby blue card on the ground before I decided to pick it up. It was definitely from the same person as I recognised the colour and the sweet scent from the card. I wondered who is it since he knows my favorite colour. I opened up the folded card before I saw another pick-up line.

'Are you from Google? Cause you have everything I'm searching for'

As I read it, I giggled as whoever it is, he surely learn the pick up lines hard. I kept a steady walk trying to follow all the cards and making sure that I am not missing any of it. I picked and read them up one by one.

'Are you wifi? Cause I feel a connection'

'Do I know you? Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend '

'If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?'

I kept following the path that all the cards are trying to lead me. I strolled around the park before I went to a halt. Now I realise that there was no longer any clues for me to keep going which meant I have arrived at the exact place.

It was near the fountain. I was standing in the middle of the place near the fountain when the road lamps suddenly blacked out.

'What the heck was going on here? Aishh...', I grumbled to myself.

I was about to search for my phone in my handbag to find some sources of lights when all of a sudden the lights turned back on as usual. As I tried to adjust my eyes with the sudden brightness, I could see someone who seems to be familiar to me and it was TaeHyung. He was standing just opposite of me looking gorgeous as usual wearing a sky blue leather jacket with a light grey shirt inside with one of his hands in his black leather pants's pocket while another was swaying slightly on his sides just like how models are supposed to catwalk in a runaway.

'Damn,Tae's hot. How lucky is his girlfriend' I thought before I woke up from the thought that Tae with his girlfriend which kind of make me feel something twisting inside me.

As we were staring at each other, I did not realise at all that TaeHyung is currently sauntering towards me. I totally forgot about my secret admirer at the moment. About half the way, TaeHyung started grinning like a crazy person would which kind of creep me out to be honest. If you ask me, even though I am assure of this side of him but sometimes it still make me wondered about him.

JinRi did not realise at all that her eyes was stuck on TaeHyung the whole time until he exactly stood in front of her.Both of them were in silence did not dare to utter some words out of their mouth until TaeHyung broke it.

I'm Falling for You... [On-hold]Where stories live. Discover now