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It has been about a week,since the boys confront out TaeHyung telling him to just pour out his feeling towards JinRi.All of them have tried to come up with brilliant ideas to help their one and only weirdo second maknae to confess.

On one fine day,the day that all of them have been waiting for finally came.All of them are currently having a break after a long period of time practising non-stop when their choreographer told them that they are going to have a day to rest for tomorrow. Bangtan are shouting with joy to show how happy they are even though the reality is far from the truth. Actually it is part of their plan so that JinRi would be free from taking care of them.

They tried their best to persuade the choreographer to give them a break at least for a day which is quite hard since he is stubborn just like YooNgi.However,they did it finally but with a condition that they have to succeed first in their 2x faster dances without any mistakes. They were given three chances which almost blew up. Luckily,they pass on the third times with Dope, Run and Fire.


"JinRi-ah,you don't need to come and watch us for tomorrow",told NamJoon as he went to meet JinRi with JungKook somewhere around the canteen in their company.

"Wae??? What's wrong? Why shouldn't I come to watch all of you? Have something serious had happened? Is TaeHyung okay?",asked JinRi sounds panic that she stopped eating but still trying to be polite asking as NamJoon was a little bit older than her.

"Haha...relax JinRi-ah",replied NamJoon who burst out of laughing."Everything is okay. Well,the choreographer-nim just gave us a daybreak for tomorrow. Therefore,no schedule for us including you",continued him.

"You look funny JinRi nuna. Haha..there's no need to be panic. Besides, why did you only ask about Tae-hyung condition,nuna? You are worried about him,don't you? could you nuna,we are all under your care too. I'm hurting,nuna",explained JungKook who end up being dramatic or more like trying to be by faking his cries with his hand on his chest.

"What??? Aish.. I'm panicking over nothing just now? Why don't you explain earlier NamJoon oppa, Kookie? Ahhh..and one more thing, I'm worrying about TaeTae because I'm his best friend and there's no need to be like drama queen, Kookie", remarked JinRi while rolling her eyes to JungKook even though she herself could feel that she cares for TaeHyung more than that but still trying to deny her feelings. "Another thing,could both of you please stop laughing at me?",continued her again but this time sounds completely irritated.

Guess that it just ran in the blood of Min's family to be irritated easily (😬😬) except for the fact that JinRi rarely gotten mad compare to YooNgi but maybe she has been stressed out a lot on that day with works.(what I mean by rarely is like totally rare with a ratio of maybe 1:4 over YooNgi 😏😏)

"JungKook stop...*ahem*anyway we're just going to tell you that you can have a rest for tomorrow",retorted NamJoon as he stopped laughing as well as JungKook after seeing JinRi not in a good condition.

"Mianei nuna. We're sorry to laugh at you",told JungKook sincerely feeling at faults while bowing his head a little along with NamJoon.

"Aniya.. I'm sorry that I get mad at both of you over nothing.I'm just a little bit of stress out today,you know with works whatsoever",said JinRi as she is the one now who feel sorry.

"You're not mad now,nuna? That's great maybe you can hang out with Amy then so you can release your stress away",shouted JungKook feeling excited again.

"Great idea,Kookie-ah! Even though I supposed she would love to hang out more with you rather than me. You and Amy seem to enjoy each other company after that day I see",exclaimed JinRi in a teasing way.

JinRi and NamJoon just gaggled seeing how JungKook's face turned to crimson red as he is shy.Both of them kept on teasing him all the way until they part away to do their respectable things.


The next day...

JinRi and Amy went out together to the amusement park.It has been a while since they get to hang out and trying all kinds of rides make them totally excited.

"Amy-ah,thanks for spending your precious time with me today.It's been a while since I get to have fun like today with works and whatsoever",remarked JinRi while cackling a little bit.

"It's nothing to be thankful about unnie. That's what friends for,right? I even thought of you as my real sister so that's fine",told Amy simply while smiling.

"Well,anyway just thanks..haha..I feel so dramatic tonight", told JinRi as both of them stopped to have a sit on the bench nearby.

" you said it I think you're dramatic too unnie", replied Amy while one of her hand hanging below her chin showing as if she was in a deep thought."ah whatever,unnie I'm craving for some ice cream so I'll go get it now. Don't worry ,I'll buy you one, the vanilla right unnie?", continued Amy all of a sudden before she go on first without waiting for JinRi's reply.

"Aishhh this kid,sometimes she could be just as weird as TaeTae", exclaimed JinRi as she puffed out her cheeks.

It has been a while since Amy disappears from JinRi's sight that she started to feel worried.


'Aigoo..where's Amy?? It can't be this long to buy ice cream since there's nobody.Did she go to the wrong way??' ,I thought.

As I was worrying about Amy suddenly a mascot make an appearance in front of me.It was a brown bear mascot wearing a cute denim overall (just imagine it's the one that JungKook is wearing in For You MV 😘😘).The mascot looks so adorable that I could not help but to look at it since I am fond of cute things.However,the mascot weirdly hides his or her hands behind his or her back.

"Hello Mr. or Ms.Bear!!! What're you hiding behind your back?? Can I take a look??",I asked politely.

The bear mascot just nodded his head before he pull out a bouquet of red roses from his back and presented it to me.

"For me??? Really?? You're so sweet Mr.Bear.Thanks..but from who???",I asked again as I was sniffing the roses but before I could even finished my sentence the bear was gone.

'Where did he go? Uh,weird' I thought as I took a look around before I realised that a card was hidden in the roses.

Without hesitation,I took the card and read it.It is written that.....

To be continued...

Sorry for not updating the story..hehe ^^.... It's been quite a long time since I last updating this ff 😉. Well,idk if someone is still reading this but you know how life it is. I'm quite busy with assignments whatsoever so... 😌😌 Anyway b4 I forget, just want to wish a hb to Bangtan's golden maknae Jeon JungKook ㅋㅋㅋ 🎉🎉 He's finally reached his 20's huhu...😆😆 May his health in good condition so do the rest of Bangtan & they'll get to produce a lot more of better musics..

Oh one more thing,please do vote 4 my
ff... ☺☺

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