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Getting out of the restaurant,JinRi and YooNgi walked towards the mart nearby the apartment to buy some groceries.As they arrived there,YooNgi grabbed a trolley pushing it around.He followed wherever JinRi went to so that she can put in her stuffs.They rounded the mart to look for their things.

After a while looking around,they decided to call it a day.They bought quite a lot of raw groceries such as tomatoes,carrots and many more as JinRi loves to cook for herself if she have times rather than buying.JinRi's philosophy way of thinking which she trusted homemade cooking instead of the instant one for our health.

YooNgi kept telling JinRi that he will buy the groceries by his own money but JinRi stopped him.She told him that she can paid by herself as she already feeling guilty earlier eating free even though YooNgi was her brother.JinRi had always did not like to be indebted to someone.Therefore,whenever she is in debt she will try her best to pay it as soon as possible which did not matter whether it involved money or what.

After a while,finally they reached JinRi's apartment.They put all the groceries on the kitchen table before starting reorganizing them to certain corners of the kitchen.

JinRi and YooNgi took a rest on the sofa while watching variety show displayed in the television.They both were laughing hard that their stomach felt like it going to explode.JinRi took a glance at the clock hanging on the wall of the living room as she was standing up stretching her bodies.It was already 10.00 p.m.JinRi quickly woke YooNgi up who is currently taking a peaceful nap on the sofa by shaking his body.

"Oppa,aren't you going back to your dorm tonight? It's late... ",JinRi said as she stopped shaking him.

"Ani...I'm staying here for the night...Just tonight Rie-ah.I already informed my manager don't worry..",mumbled YooNgi who is still shutting his eyes close.

" that's what you said but still oppa go slept in the guest room.It's going to be cold here at night..",explained JinRi while dragging YooNgi along with her as her bedroom and the guest room are besides each other.

After tucking her brother in the bed,she went to her respectable room changing her clothes,brushing her teeth and washing up her faces.She sat on her bed thinking about how tomorrow would be since she will start her works at the agency and she have not told her brother yet for a few hours before she finally drifting off to sleeps.

The next day...

JinRi was awaken by the sound of her phone's ringtone ringing non-stop.She stood on her feet leaving her bed while rubbing sleeps in her eyes as she sauntered towards the kitchen.She washed her sleepy faces by the tap before she began placing her hairs which scattered around her faces properly behind her ears.

JinRi started grabbing an apron which she bought last night wearing it before she started to cook.She decided to make a simple breakfast which is some toast along with chicken ham and eggs also with some coffees for a start.She prepared two sets since she remembers that YooNgi was here last night.JinRi went to the guest room to wake up her lazy brother,YooNgi.

"Yahhh..oppa woke up.. there's an earthquake... ",shouted JinRi while jumping up and down on the bed YooNgi was sleeping in.

"Whattt???wh..where is it???we have to run now Rie-ah",exclaimed YooNgi loudly as he just wake up from his deep sleeps with a flustered faces as he looked at JinRi who is chortling at him.

" should've took a look at your faces just was hilarious!!!",said JinRi as she still could not stopped laughing.

"Sooo,you're lying to me just now,Rie-ah.How could you??",commented YooNgi to her with a serious faces.

JinRi stopped laughing,she knew that both of them loves to prank each other but sometimes whenever YooNgi's faces turned too serious,it means that he really got mad.When he is mad,nobody could stop him.

"Aaa..ani..oppa.I..i'm just kidding.. ",stuttered JinRi while closing her eyes.

All of a sudden,she heard a laugh that she opened her eyes widely.She saw that YooNgi was cackling hard on the bed.

"You should've looked at your faces too Rie-ah",explained YooNgi.

"Whatever,oppa.I didn't expected that I'll fall for your trick.Go get a bath and let's have breakfast together",said JinRi as she went out of the room to take a bath too.

After finished taking a bath,JinRi wore her casual clothes which is a white tee along with a pair of black shorts proceeded towards the kitchen.YooNgi was already sitting on the chair in the kitchen waiting for JinRi to eat together.

"Oppa,where did you get your clothes?",asked JinRi as she is munching her toast while gazing at her brother who is dressing nicely with an oversized T-shirt with a knee-length black shorts.

"I brought them along with me last night.So,when are you coming to the company,Rie-ah?",exclaimed YooNgi back to JinRi.

"Oppa,you know about that.Well,I'm going today but maybe a little late around 10 o'clock or something in the morning.I won't tell a soul about our relationship if that's what you're worrying about",replied JinRi.

"I knew it from mom.She kept telling me to look after you.By the way,thanks and I'll see you there,Rie-ah",stated YooNgi as he was wearing his shoes in the front door before he embraced JinRi and leaving with a mask on his faces.

P.s : sorry if anyone is waiting when TaeHyung is coming out.I became distracted when I'm writing but I'll promise that he will came out on the next chapter...

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