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The next day went as usual but this time it was more nerve wrecking.I woke up on the dot at 5.30a.m. to get myself prepared fully for today.Today was the day that I'm going to be announced as the new CEO of BH entertainment replacing my mother who has gone for a while until God knew when she will come back.

I took a quick bath and do my morning routines as usual.It was still early however punctuality is the soul of business.So,it is better for me to be prepared just in case.I kept inhaling and exhaling the air to keep myself calm.I wore my working outfit and put on my lip balm,eyeliner and some BB cream on my face.I have to put on some make-up to look more presentable for today.

'Hope everything going as planned'I uttered to myself as I was in the kitchen having a deep thought while eating some cereal to start the day along with a cup of coffee.

Without any more hesitation,I drove off to the company.I parked my car in the designated place for the CEO this time as Mrs.Son told me that the car park was reserved for me.Then,I entered the company confidently not forgetting to bring along my briefcase which contained my speech and other documents.

Everyone in the company were bowing slightly for me as I entered it.Only some of them did not recognized me yet and I supposed they are still trainees or artists who might not be informed about me.I assumed that Mrs.Son already told all the staff about the new young CEO coming for today meeting.I just smiled back while bowing to them too.When I did that,everyone looked rather shock with my polite attitude.

'Huh,why did all of them looked at me like that?As if I'm an alien.Yeah ,whatever you have to focus,JinRi' I thought to myself as I am waiting for the elevator.

As I was waiting calmly for the elevator,I felt that a present of silhouette standing besides me maybe waiting for the elevator too.I turned my head around to see who is it.I was very shocked to see not only one or two but there are seven of them.I recognised who are them right away.It was Bangtan Boys!

My eyes counterforce with YooNgi's,my brother as he is the one who is standing besides me.Never did I thought,I will encounter with my brother earlier in this morning.I heard him whispered something to me which I assumed that he told me 'Good luck for today!' while grinning.

I snooted back at him while mouthing a 'Thank you'.I remembered that I told him about me becoming the CEO about two days ago.I told him that I will not tell a soul about his relationship with me which is quite saddening for me actually but a promise is a promise.I just kept my mouth shut while waiting for the elevator after our little interaction just now.

I could heard all of them joking around while giggling besides me.They all looked so happy.I am very satisfied that YooNgi could have friends like them.They all just look like what I had ever imagined.Maybe I only have saw them by their reality shows such as Bangtan Bombs but they mostly still holding the same characters.

It was true indeed that YooNgi said they almost like siblings to each others.They seems too closed that I felt a hint of jealousy in me seeing them as I do not even get to spend times with him like that.Well,of course it is not a serious jealousy but only merely.

After a while,the elevator's door open.Luckily,there is no one inside it.I quickly rushed into the elevator to get a spot in front of the door so that I can get out easily.Then,all the members of BTS entered the elevator after me.I pressed the elevator's button. I'm going to the 7th floor and since I stand near the button panel, I ask others in the elevator which floor they are going to.

"Excuse me,may I know which floor you're going so that I can press it for you?",I said.

"Ooh,it's okay.We're going to the same floor as you",replied a man who is smiling at me like an angel who I supposed his name was Jin.

Well,I have remembered all of their names as I was searching for the Bangtan Boys info back then.Besides, it is only right for me to know some sorts of information about my brother's group mates and why not?

I just put on a smile as he was looking at me.He is standing still besides me in the elevator which I found quite uncomfortable.He distanced himself from me a little maybe he realized that we are too close to each other.I thought about what topic should I talked to him since the situation was awkward.

"So,you're new here,uh? Sorry,for them",commented Jin all of a sudden to me while pointing his thumb to his back to his members.

"Huh,what about them?Yeah,I'm new and I'm just starting work today",I replied with a weird face wondering why he is saying sorry all of a sudden.

"Well,they're noisy back there.I'm Jin or Kim SeokJin.You are?",asked Jin chuckling while stretching his hands for a handshake.

"Ooh,nice to meet you,Jin.Well,it's okay I understand you besides they are not that noisy.I'm.... oh sorry,I've got to go",I stated and went out as soon as the elevator open before I get to response his handshake.

"See you later!",shouted Jin.

I signaled an okay to him as I went out from the elevator.

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