Chapter 3

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"I really wish I could be there with you Emma, but an unexpected situation showed up at the company and the managers need me here," Walsh explained to his wife through the phone. "You know how it works."

Even though she was not glad about his answer, it didn't take Emma by surprise. Things between them had always been that way. "It's alright. I think I'll return home soon, anyway."

"Yeah, that's great," he simply said before going on quickly. "Hey, I need to go, okay? Harris is calling me."


"Love ya."

Emma hung up the phone as she heaved a long sigh.

The relationship she had with Walsh wasn't what she had expected when they got married three years ago. He was a really good guy, but also a busy one. He was a business man, so he was either working at the company, traveling to a foreign country for a meeting or playing golf in the club with his friends.

He did everything but being with his wife. Not that she blamed him for that. After all, that was what he did for a living. But some times she didn't feel like a married girl.

Emma looked at the clock. She still had half an hour to get ready to receive Robin Locksley, owner of Security Corp, and her potential bodyguard whose name remained unknown.

She was still a bit reluctant about her parents' decision but knew it was for her own safety and that she had no other option.

After taking a bath, getting dressed and watching some funny programs on tv, Emma heard the doorbell ring thrice. She turned off the tv and stepped out of her room in silence, trying to catch sight of the visitors from upstairs like a little girl. She saw her mother and her father welcoming Robin and another man with dark hair whose face was hard to see from where Emma was standing. Mary Margaret guided the gentlemen to the garden where a delicious lunch awaited.

Emma took a deep breath. She went downstairs and reached the garden in a matter of nothing. Robin was the first one to say hi.

"It's been long since I last saw you," he said. "How are you doing?"

"Good, thank you"

"Great. And guess what? You're gonna feel even better with the protection of my best bodyguard."

The dark haired man she had seen previously from above turned around and faced Emma, stretching out his hand and holding a swoon worthy smile.

"Killian Jones, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Emma's first reaction was inevitable. Her heart skipped a beat as soon as she made eye contact with the handsome Irish guy.

Oh dear. Emma thought as she drew a smile.

Quickly, she held his hand and shook it, trying to ignore her sudden and unexplainable nervousness.

"Emma. The pleasure is mine."


The sun was on its zenith by midday, making the day in Colorado hotter than usual.
Along with some drinks of cold orange juice and french bread, Robin Locksley explained to the Swans the way his partner would be working with Emma. It was all based on a protocol and rules he had to follow in order to provide her the best security service she could have.

Mary Margaret and David were paying attention carefully, making questions each time or so. Killian spoke little, only to reaffirm Robin's statements or to add some information to his sentences.

On the other hand, Emma stood quiet during the whole conversation. She had been taking a look at Killian Jones's curriculum as she tried to ignore the fact that she had found him very attractive.

It was inevitable not to notice that he was charmingly handsome. The way his hair was combed, how he moved his jawline, his hands, his arms, his chest, his eyes...

Oh, stop it! Emma thought, averting her eyes from Killian and directing them back to the papers.

After two hours of chatting, Mary Margaret asked Emma to help her out with the cookies at the kitchen, which indirectly meant "we need to talk, alone."

Mother and daughter made it to the kitchen, leaving the gentlemen discussing some details related to Emma's safety.

"Are you alright?" Mary Margaret asked Emma whereas she took out the cookies from the oven.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you've been very quiet. That's strange on you."

Emma gazed downwards. "I'm just... Focused on the explanations Robin is giving us, that's all."

"Are you sure? Because I might know the reason why you're acting that way," she said leaving the tray on the table.

"You... You do?" Emma asked worriedly.

"Yes. You're still afraid of going back to LA because of what happened last week. You feel insecure."

Emma smiled quickly. "You caught me. I-I just didn't want to admit it." She lied and crossed her arms. Well, she wasn't lying at all. Her mother had actually said something that Emma knew was utterly real.

Mary Margaret smiled too as she placed the cookies on a lovely porcelain dish.

"It's alright. You don't have to feel embarrassed about it. It's completely normal," she said calmly. "Plus, things are gonna change for good now, aren't they?"


"And speaking of, what do you think of Killian Jones so far? Do you like him?"

Her mother's last question made Emma feel strange for a moment. It took her by surprise and she didn't even know why "You mean... As a bodyguard?"

"Yeah, that's what I meant. What else would it be?"

The blonde laughed nervously. "Oh, nothing. Uh yeah, he... He seems to be a good person and totally bodyguard material. I read his CV during lunch and, well, he's like Captain America with tons of medals and awards," she quipped.

"So that's a yes? You will accept him as your bodyguard?"

Emma averted her eyes from her mother as she gazed through the window, right where Killian Jones sat down.

Should I accept him? Not that I have a choice anyway. My parents have already made a decision and like it or not, I have to stick to it for my own safety.

Okay, I'll accept him. There's nothing to worry about. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Emma glanced at her mother "Yes. That's definitely a yes."

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