Chapter 31

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"I don't know, maybe we should leave it for another time" Emma told Walsh, who wanted to take her out to a fancy place days after her return from Colorado.

"Come on, Emma. It's your favorite restaurant" he insisted "You can order that fettuccini you adore. Besides, I've already made the reservation"

Even though the fettuccini was one hell of an exquisite delicacy, she really didn't want to go. Hanging out with Walsh meant that Killian would have to go with them, which also meant he would feel uncomfortable by watching Walsh and her have dinner together. Emma knew how horrible that was for Killian and specially for her; pretending to be into both the dinner and her husband wouldn't be easy with the bodyguard's presence. However, she had already rejected various previous invitations from Walsh, so she was starting to run out of good excuses.

But then, she got an idea. Perhaps the best way to tell Walsh about the divorce was not to throw him the bombshell after the Police apprehended the psycho but to start talking about it little by little, starting by that night. She knew it was not going to be an easy thing to handle, but springing the whole situation on him would surely be harder. Moreover, the purpose of doing it so was to not hurt Walsh.

Or at least in a less painful way.

"Fine" she agreed with a small smile "It'll be good for us to keep up to date with some... Things"

Walsh stood up from the chair he had been sitting on and kissed her cheek "Yes, we'll talk about whatever you want. We leave in two hours"

He walked away, heading to his studio, before Emma released a sigh. She went upstairs and, plopping down on her bed, she sent a text to Killian.

-Hey :) what are you up to?

Not even thirty seconds had passed that he replied.

-Nothing much. Finishing my monthly report for the agency. You?

-Well, apart from phoning my mom an hour ago I had to accept Walsh's millionth invitation to have dinner with him. We'll leave at 7:30, so...

He took some time to answer, probably because he was thinking what to type exactly.

-I'll be ready, don't worry.

-Thank you

-It's nothing. By the way, why didn't you just come to my place and told me about it in person? I don't bite

Emma chuckled at his last comment before typing.

-I think certain parts of my body say otherwise...

-Heehee ;)

She couldn't help laughing as she imagined Killian sitting on his couch, texting her with a mischievous grin across his face. Before she could send a reply, he typed:

-You didn't answer my question :(

-Well... It's a bit silly.

-I won't laugh. Bodyguard promise

Emma grinned.

-Okay. I didn't go because I knew that it would be hard to have you in front of me and not be able to kiss you since Walsh is at his studio and has a clear view of the garden from there.

-Point Swan ;) don't stress out, we'll find a moment

-I really do hope so. I miss you

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