Chapter 4

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Killian Jones found himself traveling first class on a flight to Los Angeles joined by his new client Emma.

Goodbye Colorado, he thought as the airplane took off, making him feel that odd sensation in the stomach when the plane goes up.

During the first hour of the journey, Emma and Killian exchanged some words as they tried to get to know each other. After all, they were going to work together almost 24/seven. They talked about movies, food, their favorite colors, some of the things they liked and hated... It was all very random.

"Okay, I have another question for you," Killian said.

"Hit me with your best shot, Irish boy," Emma replied taking a small chocolate to her mouth.

"I have you registered as Emma Anderson in some of my papers, but my boss, well Robin, refers to you as Emma Swan so... I'm not sure which is the correct one."

"Well... Anderson is my married name but people got used to my maiden one because it's rather unusual and catchy, so they keep calling me that way. And personally, I am very fond of it."

"So you'd rather I call you Emma Swan?"

"Either way, but yeah. I like it more."

"Alright then, Miss Swan."

The blondie smiled, liking the way Swan sounded when Killian said it.

Some minutes after this, Emma yawned like a little girl. She was really tired and felt like closing her eyes for a while. Killian hadn't noticed that until Emma unconsciously leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Swan?" he called her as he arched his eyebrow. "Hey, are you..."

Emma could not listen to him, she had already fallen into a profound slumber. Killian chuckled as he realized this. He took off his jacket and placed it over Emma's body since the airplane was starting to feel cold. He heaved a sigh before taking a look at the magazine the airline provided.

"Can I get you something, Mr. Jones?" A flight attendant asked Killian after a while.

"I'm okay, thank you."

"It's somewhat cold in here. If you wish I can hand you a quilt for you and your wife."

"Yeah, that would be... Oh, w-we're not married," he responded oddly. "She's only my... I'm her bodyguard"

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought you were a couple because..." The woman stopped before smiling. "Forget about it. I'll get you the quilts"

"Thanks," Killian answered before the attendant left.

Married? From where did she assume I was married to Emma Swan? He thought before glancing at his flight partner. She was snoring funnily, moving her chest up and down peacefully as some strings of her blonde hair fell onto her face. Killian removed those hairs with his fingers delicately as Emma, still unconsciously, snuggled closer to his body.

For the first time, Killian saw the beauty in Emma Swan. He paid careful attention to her factions, to her red lips, to the way her hair fell over her shoulders... and then he averted his eyes from her.

He heaved a sigh, remembering himself why he was there. You're her bodyguard, your only job is to protect her and look after her.

An hour later, the plane arrived in the Californian city. Emma had just wakened up without realizing she had leaned on Killian's shoulder during most of the journey.

They went down the plane and picked up their luggage before heading to the airport's exit. Emma's driver was already waiting for them next to a luxurious black Mercedes.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Anderson," Will Scarlet said opening the trunk. "Mr. Anderson wasn't able to come and pick you up. He told me he had some important paperwork to do at the office."

"It's alright," she replied with a tone of annoyance, which was quickly noticed by her new bodyguard.

As soon as they kept the luggage, the driver made his way to the Anderson residence. It was situated in one of the best residential zones of the city, home of many other important and rich people of the country.

Emma had been gazing through the window with a blank look when Killian, who was sitting next to her, spoke.

"You okay?" he asked.

Emma moved her eyes towards him. "I am. Why the question?"

"Well, you were alright when we landed but as soon as we got into the car something seemed to bother you."

"We know each other for less than two days and you already know something's wrong with me?"

"I'm quite perceptive, love. An ability I forgot to include in my CV."

Emma lowered her head. "I just... I'm starting to miss being with my parents," she said nostalgically. "I know it sounds childish and more because I'm already a grown up but-"

"Hey, it's okay Swan, I understand. And it's not childish at all. The good thing is that you're going home. You're going back to your house, you're seeing your husband and your friends, you have the beach..."

Emma grinned, mostly for the beach part "I guess so, yeah."

"Plus, you have me now. And I promise you that I'll protect you no matter what."

She smiled again, feeling much better. "Thank you."

Killian grinned. "Anytime."

He moved his eyes to the window, admiring the peculiar city of Los Angeles as the driver took them to the residency.


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