Chapter 35

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As the lawyer handed her the large paper, Emma took a deep breath before reaching out for the elegant pen that lied on the table.

"Your signature at the bottom of the page, please" he indicated "And that would be the last thing"

A signature. Just a simple signature and her union with Walsh Anderson would finally be over. Their marriage was about to end; no more Mrs. Emma Anderson, no more Walsh's wife. No. She would simply return to be Emma Swan, as she had always felt and liked.

It really was a moment of anxiety and nervousness, but Emma remained calmed. After all the things she had gone through she was finally going to set herself free.

It felt like a dream.

The blondie, without thinking it twice, signed the document that stated her divorce from Walsh Anderson.

And damn, didn't it feel good.

"Alright, Miss Swan" the lawyer told her "That would be all"

It had been a very long and tedious process since the first day she had asked for the divorce. Due to the fact that Walsh was being investigated by the authorities and was in prison, things to disunite them were not quite as simple. But Emma never gave up; and now that she had heard the words "That would be all", her whole self felt much better.

Emma thanked the lawyer, who had helped her a lot with the case and made his job perfectly, before leaving the office with a wide smile on her face.

Killian was sitting at the waiting room when he heard a couple of high heels against the floor. He stood up, gazing curiously at Emma.

"So?" He asked.

"I did it. I'm officially no longer married to Walsh!" She exclaimed, embracing him tightly.

"I'm so glad, love" he said before Emma pulled apart, willing to kiss him right on the lips.

However, a nervous Killian stepped back. She was confused, so he whispered with all possible discretion:

"Swan, your parents are here"

Emma looked leftwards. How hadn't she seen them? Probably due to the excitement of the situation.

"Mom, Dad!" She said as she hugged them "You're here! But, how? I thought you had something to do today"

"We had," Mary Margaret said "But we also knew how important this moment was so we decided to be here with you instead. We love you, sweetie, and we're very proud of you"

Emma grinned "Thank you, guys. I'm so happy you came"

"Well, I believe this should be celebrated" David said "How about we eat together?"

"Sounds fantastic" Emma replied "Where?"

"What about Angelo's?"

"Yes! I love that place. We should totally order some pizza"

"I agree" her father replied before Mary Margaret looked curiously at Killian, who had slightly lowered his head.

"Killian" Mary Margaret called him.

"Yes, Mrs. Swan?"

"You know you're also invited to come, aren't you?"

He frowned briefly in confusion before smiling nervously "I am? I-It's okay, really. I don't want to bother. You can take your daughter out and I'll go to-"

"No, no, no" She cut him off politely "Don't be silly. You're coming with us. You're part of the group"

Emma gazed at her mom with a grateful smile as Killian accepted the invitation. The four of them walked to the parking lot and stopped in front of their respective cars.

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