Chapter 6

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Emma had roughly slept during the night, her head had been reminding her that there was someone out there trying to kill her and that will probably wouldn't give up on doing so.
She had given up on sleeping, so she decided to start her day as usual.

"Morning," Walsh told her right after she stood up from the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I found it hard to sleep."

"You needn't worry. The Police will find the bastard who wants to hurt you and all this will be over," he said hoping to reassure her.

"Yeah, well... until they do I won't be very much at ease. The only thing that makes me feel better is that I have Killian now."

Walsh lowered his head, his wife's comment made him feel somewhat strange. Since the previous day, Emma had been talking about Killian Jones with a lot of admiration and pride, so Walsh couldn't help feeling odd about it.

"I'm taking a shower. I need to get ready for work," he said curtly, taking some clean clothes from the closet.

"Okay," she replied without noticing her husband's uncomfortableness. Walsh headed towards the bathroom and closed the door.

Emma began to make the bed and pick up some stuff from the room before hearing some unfamiliar noises in the garden. She walked to the window carefully and moved the green curtain a bit, taking a peek.

There was nothing to worry about. It was only her new bodyguard running around the backyard wearing a pair of pants and a gray t-shirt.

Seems like Irish boy likes to exercise, Emma thought, unconsciously staring at him for a very long while.

After a matter of minutes, Killian halted. He looked down at his watch and grinned -probably proud of his perfect timing- and took a bottle of water. Although he was sweating, he didn't look tired at all. In fact, he was in a good shape.

In a very good shape.

Just when Killian finished drinking his water, he moved his eyes right where Emma stood. She felt so embarrassed for standing there like a complete idiot that the only thing she could do was smile nervously. Killian hadn't noticed Emma's presence until that moment, so he casually waved to her and grinned.

The blondie waved too and walked backward before her cheeks began to flush like tomatoes.

Jesus, Emma. Why were you staring at him like that? she thought.

An hour later, Emma had already taken a shower and was dressed up in a lovely beige dress. Even though she didn't have a good night's sleep, she looked radiant.

She went downstairs and stopped right in the threshold that led to the kitchen. The memories of her stabbing the intruder rushed into her mind, making her live every moment once more.

"Mrs. Anderson?" the maid asked Emma after noticing her strange attitude.

Emma felt a shiver running down her spine, a cold and horrible sensation that had made her feel fear.

"Mrs. Anderson, are you alright?" the maid asked again, standing in front of her worriedly.

Emma shut down her eyes and took a deep breath, reminding herself that the worst had already happened.

"I'm fine Josephine. I just got dizzy for a moment," she lied, smiling weakly and hoping to convince her she was okay.

"Do you want me to get you something for it?"

"I'm alright. I'll only have a green tea, please."

"Right away."

Emma heaved a sigh before heading to the garden and breathing some fresh air to clear her mind. After relaxing herself, she spotted Killian through the little house's window. He was washing some dishes and seemed to be singing a song because he wouldn't stop moving his lips.

Emma smiled at this and went towards the little house before knocking three times.

"Hi Killian," she said with a grin drawn across her face as soon as the bodyguard opened the door.

"Morning, Swan," he replied smiling.

"I just came here to ask if you spent a good night. Sometimes the first time in a new place can be weird."

"Actually, I had no trouble. The bed was quite comfortable and the house itself is perfect."

"I'm glad. I was hoping we could discuss the way we're going to work later today. You said you had to explain me some things."

"Aye, that's right. You tell me when."

"Hmm... What about at 2 PM? We can eat and chat at the same time. Well, not exactly at the same time but... you understand," she said smiling.

Killian grinned. "Sounds great, yeah."

"Okay, see you at 2 then."

Emma walked away before Killian closed the door. She headed to the dining room, where Walsh had just sat down.

"You... went to see Mr. bodyguard?" he asked weirdly after taking a sip of orange juice.

"Yes. I wanted to know if he had spent a good night."

"You treat him like a guest in a hotel, you know?"

Emma moved her eyes down to the plate. "I'm just being nice. After all, he's gonna stay there for a very long time."

Walsh nodded, shifting his gaze towards the newspaper.

Emma was still unaware of her husband's strange attitude, so she didn't feel like changing the subject.

"I invited him to eat later. We still need to discuss some security things."

"Sounds great. Although I won't be able to join you. It's Monday and I have the weekly session."

"Oh, I had forgotten about it... I guess it will just be Killian and me then."

Walsh heaved a long and loud sigh that caught Emma's attention.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm just... I feel angry because of him. You speak of Killian as your hero and that makes me feel... useless in your life as if I couldn't protect you," he said rather bothered.

Emma couldn't help laughing. "Are you jealous of Killian Jones?"


"You are!"

Walsh rolled his eyes. "It's time to go to work." He stood up. "See you later"

Emma watched her husband walk away from the room as she held a chuckle.

Walsh being jealous of Killian? Oh my God! Why is he feeling that way? I mean... Killian is certainly handsome but he's just my bodyguard.

"Mrs. Anderson?" Josephine asked, trailing her away from her thoughts.

"Yes, Josephine?"

"Miss French is on the phone."

"Oh, I'll take the call. Thanks."

Josephine handed her the phone after Emma took a sip of her juice and had a long talk with one of her best friends.

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